Your vase of flowers is awesome. They look so realalistic.Way to go. See you soon. -- Aunt Darlene
- on May 26, 2010
ilove it very much keep up the good work
- on March 26, 2010
- on March 26, 2010
Great artwork Jared! Keep up the good work!! -Mrs. Woodring
- on March 26, 2010
hi bear, from uncle bob nice pictures
- on March 26, 2010
Very special pictures from a very special boy! Love you, Gram!!!
- on March 26, 2010
I love your artwork! You are so talented! Love you, Aunt Angie!
- on March 26, 2010
Way to go Jared. You are now an artist to be beat. Keep up the good work and you could go on the art school. Very proud of your work. from your favorite aunt