Kyleigh111's Comments (38)

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Below are comments about Kyleigh111's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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WOW!!! I opened up the picture and it blew me away!! The details are awesome -- the colors, the patterns, the shape -- it makes everything come together so nicely. It's a striking piece - I love it.
-- Helen
- on May 31, 2012
Looks like part of castle or something -- so cool. Love the design & colors. Great job!
-- Helen
- on May 31, 2012
Whoa - cool! I like the way you made the green stripes stop & angle instead of just doing criss-cross lines. That makes it look so interesting. Love the colors, too. Another masterpiece!!
-- Helen
- on May 31, 2012
Nice job, Kyleigh! Did you have fun sewing? It's a neat thing to learn -- I used to use scraps of fabric and sew clothes right onto my Barbie dolls when I was a kid. Of course, I had to cut them off when I wanted to change them into a new outfit, but it was fun sewing the clothes!
-- Helen
- on May 31, 2012
That's very neat, Kyleigh -- Nice work!! -- Mrs. Button
-- Helen
- on December 11, 2011
You and your sister really love those bold colors! I love to see what you've created. It's always so fun to see. Love the way you used contrasting colors inside your circles. Good work!!
-- Helen
- on December 11, 2011
LOVE the bold colors, and the striped element makes it look really cool. You have such a bold expression, Kyleigh.
-- Helen
- on July 3, 2011
kyleigh, this picture is beautiful, it is so colorful. Great Job! Keep up the good work.
-- Trisha
- on July 3, 2011
OMG!! I LOVE THIS! Cityscapes are so much fun to draw and you really made it awesome with all the colors you used. Wouldn't it be great to live in such a colorful city?? You should frame this and hang it up in your room! -Mrs. Button
-- Helen
- on July 3, 2011
Kyleigh, I like the line design you did on you'r squares.
-- Madison
- on July 3, 2011
Love this fish. He looks pretty friendly. Can I name him Frank? lol Nice work, Kyleigh! -- Mrs. Button
-- Helen
- on March 14, 2011
I love these black & white designs. They look so cool. You did a great job! --Mrs. Button
-- Helen
- on March 14, 2011
Ky, this is great art work. Great Job! You are becoming such a wonderful artist! Love, Aunt Trisha
-- Trisha
- on March 13, 2011
Kyleigh, this is such beautiful artwork. GOOD JOB!!
-- Trisha
- on March 13, 2011
thats really nice ky
-- unclebubba
- on March 13, 2011
Ky, This is SO cool. I think I could get this blown up, hang it on my wall, and everyone would think it's professional. :) Nice job girl! You are quite the artist. I can't wait to see more of your work this year. Love, Momo
-- Morgan
- on October 24, 2010
This picture is absolutely beautiful. You did a very good job. Luv Grandma Judy
-- judy
- on July 14, 2010
I absolutely love this picture.
-- judy
- on July 14, 2010
I love it...great job!!!!
-- Maryann
- on April 27, 2010
this picture is beautifully drawn and is the type of weather we are waiting for grandma judy
-- judy
- on April 5, 2010
Kyleigh I love this picture with the different shapes in it. You really are becoming a good artist. Love Grandma Judy
- on February 19, 2010
Wow i love the colors of the fish. it is so cool.
- on February 19, 2010
great soldier!!
- on February 19, 2010
I like your artwork because you put a lot of effort in it and used three different colors.
- on February 19, 2010
wow how hard did you work ?
- on February 19, 2010
I absolutely love this picture. He looks like he could walk and talk. AWESOME JOB Luv Ya Grandma Judy
- on February 19, 2010
Awesome turkey Kyleigh! Love, Uncle Dooder & Aunt Amy
- on November 22, 2009
Kyleigh, I love your skeleton picture. You are such a terrific artist. Hope to see on Halloween. Love you, Aunt debbie
- on October 23, 2009
very pretty kyleigh. you will be the next picasso =)
- on October 14, 2009
This artwork is awesome, you need to keep it up
- on August 5, 2009
Aunt Debbie loves this heart. It reminds me of the love I have for you. Great job!
- on August 5, 2009
Kyleigh this piece of artistry is absolutely beautiful. You should consider yourself an artist. Be very proud of yourself
- on August 5, 2009
I love this picture.
- on June 29, 2009
Cute picture.
- on June 29, 2009
What a masterpiece.
- on June 29, 2009
I love this piece, Kyleigh I am so proud of you.
- on June 29, 2009
cool flowers
- on June 14, 2009
Great job, Ky-Ky! You are an awesome artist!
- on June 14, 2009