Emily, all of your art work is very imppressive. I love all of the color that you use and I especially love your attention to detail that comes through in all of your work.
- on August 3, 2009
I like my weaving picture because I love all the colors I picked out.
- on August 2, 2009
Emily, Once again a spectacular masterpiece, I love these colorful fish, You have quite the artistic eye. I hope you continue to create. love Ms. M
- on June 24, 2009
We could put your fishy-fishy in the fish tank with Albert Eintstein. Then Al wouldn't be all alone! ? I bet fishy fishy would teach Al some cool under the sea dances. I like fishy-fishy's mouth- too bad she didn't have any sparkly lip gloss! I love you artist emilina!
- on June 24, 2009
I wish our wild dingo fence looked like the one in your picture!!!!!! I bet Buster and Bella would love to run and play in your picture!!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!
- on June 19, 2009
Hey there sweetheart- I love your eggs!!!!!! You have made some impressive pictures !
- on June 19, 2009
I love all your artwork! Everything is so colorful and detailed! Your fish is really amazing!!!!!!! I love you peanut butter! You are so talented!
- on June 24, 2009
Emily, I love the background of your beautiful picture!! Love, Bailey
- on June 19, 2009
love it em
- on June 19, 2009
love it!!
- on June 19, 2009
I love artwork you make the best pictures in the whole univers
- on June 19, 2009
I love all your artwork! I especially love your dog weaving!!!!!!! I also really like the heart you drew- the details inside make it beautiful!!!! I love you !!!!!