Great JOB Bailey.. Another one for our wall..!!! -- Mom
- on January 14, 2014
You didn't get your sewing ability from your grandmother. -- marjorie
- on February 28, 2012
Bailey, You sew wayyyyyy better than me! = ) Great job! Love, Mrs. Lewicki -- Lori
- on February 7, 2012
Bailey i like the colors yarn you used they blend in really good -- madison
- on December 1, 2010
Great Art Work Bailey! Love the pumpkins! -- Mrs. C
- on December 1, 2010
Bailey,I like the way you blended the colors you`r weaving cup looks awsome -- madiosn
- on April 9, 2010
Reminds me of mint chocolate Chip ice cream! Great Job Sweetie! -- Mrs. C
- on April 9, 2010
Bailey It is so beautiful..... I love the colors.... Great job... Love you ... Mom -- Stacy
- on March 27, 2010
You do such great work... I love you .... Mom -- Stacy
- on February 14, 2010
Bailey i love you`r flower vase i like how you put all of the different flowers and colors
- on February 14, 2010
That is cool I like it. It is verey COLORFUL
- on December 17, 2009
i love my art because i just like how i make it
- on December 17, 2009
i love your art work because it looks very beautiful!
- on December 17, 2009
Your "Talking Turkey" is adorable, Bailey!! I especially love its big, orange mouth!! Too cute! Great job!!
- on December 17, 2009
Wow! I opened it up and almost jumped out of my chair! Neat Skeleton!
- on December 17, 2009
I am so excited to see all your wonderful art work! Keep up the good work! I might have to order postcards someday of your work it is so great! So proud to see how you have grown!
- on October 19, 2009
Hi Bailey! I absolutely love your Fishy artwork! The bright colors are awesome! Great job! Love, Mrs. Lewicki
- on October 19, 2009
Hey Bay I miss you so much you make the best artwork ever.
- on June 20, 2009
Bail you did a great job on the fish your dad is so proud of your drawing's. love daddy
- on June 16, 2009
Bailey, I like the color pattern in your fish. Mrs. Nickel