You did a great job this time too Aaryani, like it. keep it up, love you and love your art! -- Suhas
- on January 3, 2013
Dear Aaryani, Your trees in your stilloute look beautiful!!!!I am impressed!!!!nice moon and cityscape 2!!!!! shree -- Shree
- on January 3, 2013
U r sooooo cute!!!!!!!!! -- Shree
- on January 3, 2013
Love it so bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Cant say anything eles.........see u soon.!!!!SO siisters!!!!!:):):):):):):):):):) -- shree
- on July 29, 2012
dear Aaryani,U look sooooo cute in your smok and thinking about what to paint.I like that you picked "Slimy Worms"U R so ADORABLE!!! -- shree
- on July 29, 2012
Aaryani,thank u VERY much for that comment,it helped me almost earn the hall of fame!!!Can you be in my fan club?!Anyways,I loved ur color choice and color contrast and texture in this owl.Its fantastic!!! -- Shree
- on July 29, 2012
I liked your polar bear original very peaceful and calming. I did not think that it could not get any better than the original and when I saw this one WOW!!! You are an AWESOME ARTIST!! We are very proud of you!!! Mom and Dad -- Flora
- on January 11, 2012
I love the eyes on the bear, they totally make the poloar bear look like he/she is enjoying the snow. -- Camryn
- on December 20, 2011
Aaryani, I am so glad that your gallery has gotten at least 1 award fillen!Anyway,I loved your artwork!!!!I also liked your brown pumpkin that you tillted !!!! -- Shree
- on November 16, 2011
Hey Aaryani - The painting you did is absolutely amazing! You are a true artist. I love it! -- Tejal
- on November 12, 2011
Nice work Aaryani, proud of you......... -- Suhas
- on November 12, 2011
Dear Aaryani, You are doing an amazing job in art class. You already have been in the art show THREE times! All throughout elementary school I have NEVER been in the art show. and thats why I'm extremely jealous and somewhat proud of you. I love you to death and keep up the awesome work. =D <3 Love, Aarshaya Didi -- Aarshaya
- on November 12, 2011
I liked your Picasso.
- on November 12, 2011
Oh my goodness!! My baby sister is growing up!! You can paint and draw now! And with the AMAZING help of your great art teacher... you will be better than I could ever be! Good luck and keep up the fantastic work! I <3 U!!! Aarshaya Didi