Orange Preparation Academy is showing this huge banner again by hanging it on ore stage for Black History Month and in the base Art Gallery for Women's History Month. Good job art Club 2015.
- on March 7, 2015
The ARTCLUBOPA is very active. As a matter of fact it is my best time of the week. We get to make decisions that the rest of the world sees about our school. We LOVE it. Look at our DR. KING. He will always endure. For 6 years he has graced the stage on his national appointed day because of our club. This year he will not have that spotlight. We are sad but you can see him in OPA's Lobby and always on the internet at Artsonia. -- ARTCLUBOPA
- on January 23, 2011
Keep up the FANTASIC work! Dr. Young -- John
- on November 10, 2010
Red is My color also! -- Katiannah
- on July 27, 2010
Beautiful Art is everywhere! -- Mrs.Mayson
- on July 27, 2010
Art is fun at the Academy! -- Alma
- on July 27, 2010
This is the bst Art Portfolio I have seen in a while. Keep up the good work. -- Minzie
- on July 26, 2010
I love the simplicity in this work. -- Angelica
- on July 24, 2010
I love this simplicity! -- Shelly
- on July 27, 2010
Red is good for you, it wakes us up! -- Vonashie
- on July 23, 2010
This is just beautiful, I see it everyday at school. The red is most effective and its draws you into the Moto. Good job Mrs. Buchanan. -- Ms. Epps
- on July 23, 2010
This is the best lesson ever taught in Orange. What a show...
- on November 21, 2009
Akiem , this is going to be an excellent painting. See you in the Art Club!
- on November 17, 2009
Well Done!
- on November 14, 2009
I like your picture it looks just like the real one, very realistic. From, Anthony
- on September 15, 2009
I saw this huge painting in the basement Gallery and will always remember it.
- on July 3, 2009
- on July 3, 2009
This one is hanging in OUR Lobby. How proud we are to have worked on it. Thank you Teacher...
- on June 29, 2009
This is the most inspirational work of art I have seen in Orange Art yet. This teacher knows how to get the interest and keep it forever. The Supervisor should take note and push this teacher and her methods. True inspiration!!!
- on June 29, 2009
I also like the scratchboard you created before this work. You are our New Artist of the Year!!!
- on June 29, 2009
Good job!!!
- on June 29, 2009
I like your style!!!
- on June 29, 2009
Good Work!!!
- on June 29, 2009
Akiem, this is a very well done acrylic painting by you. I am sorry it could not be listed under your name, Better lucl next year.
- on June 29, 2009
You are still the GREATEST! Dr. Young
- on June 4, 2009
This image is very popular around our Community. Good Job Students.
- on May 16, 2009
Art Rules!!!
- on April 30, 2009
I had a chance to work on this, wow!
- on April 26, 2009
- on April 26, 2009
I love what I see...Red, White and Blue.
- on April 26, 2009
This is delightful! Well done Students!
- on April 17, 2009
You rock Marco!
- on April 10, 2009
Mrs. Bautista and Mrs. Mayson rocked this for Ms. Foster! Good job ladies!
- on April 9, 2009
This was a success!
- on April 9, 2009
I think I like this one!
- on April 7, 2009
I like the Saturn best in this universe!
- on April 7, 2009
Wow, all three mobiles look great!
- on April 4, 2009
This looks like a Solar System in this black light just too many planets.
- on April 4, 2009
I like this view!
- on April 4, 2009
I worked on the two little blue ones. Sponge painting is fun.
- on April 4, 2009
I can see the planet I worked on. It was orange.
- on April 4, 2009
This was a very calming event. The students were pleased and excited to be able just to be creative. They all enjoyed it...
- on April 4, 2009
I saw this being created in the cafeteria...WOW. Good Job
- on April 6, 2009
This is the most creative thing I have seen in the Art Shows. Good Job OMS!
- on March 30, 2009
You did a great job in capturing this work at different angles. It opens up digital photography to a different level.
- on March 29, 2009
Your study of this artist is perfect and the system loves it. I like how you have worked the colors to make it a stage presentation.
- on March 29, 2009
The best in the gallery!
- on March 27, 2009
The roses stand out as a plus to our system.
- on March 22, 2009
This shows the real energy of our students...
- on March 14, 2009
Thanks for a World Class program. I love what I see!!!
- on March 14, 2009
I saw this at the mall and it was more impressive than the dancers were.
- on March 13, 2009
This is a great collection and it tells the story of what our children are most concern with. This is a very mature set of subjects they are dealing with.
- on March 13, 2009
This takes my breath away!!!
- on March 13, 2009
This is my favorite view of this man, President Obama, 2009.
- on March 13, 2009
Red, white and blue. Could it have been better.
- on March 13, 2009
How was this done?
- on March 13, 2009
This is the most creative lesson I have seen results of in Orange.
- on March 13, 2009
- on March 7, 2009
This is about the best wall exhibit I have ever seen and to think it belongs to Orange Middle's art classes. Good job students...You have my support.
- on March 7, 2009
I like us now!
- on March 7, 2009
To me this is the best painting in the gallery next to Marian Anderson and Hattie McDaniels.
- on March 3, 2009
I painted on the first one!!! I like the angles the teacher took, they make it look very important. The Artist we studied must be very proud...
- on February 28, 2009
I wish I was in Art again!
- on February 28, 2009
I watched this grow in size and beauty. Makes me proud to be at OMS.
- on February 28, 2009
This is the best group project so far...
- on February 27, 2009
This is power in many ways. Good job teacher!
- on February 22, 2009
- on February 22, 2009
Henry O. was the first African American Fine Arts Painter to gain International fame...
- on February 18, 2009
I know I like this wall best in the art show. All of the many different colors and styles of still lifes are exhibited. Excellent OMS!
- on February 14, 2009
This is a great painting done in the style of the American Graphic Artist, Shepard Fairey.
- on February 6, 2009
What a good way to study modern history!
- on February 2, 2009
I really like what I see!!!
- on January 22, 2009
I love this use of Technology.
- on January 22, 2009
Drawing is a skill all of your art students must have. These were excellent examples.
- on January 22, 2009
I really enjoyed this wall of beautiful 'WaterColor' paintings and the explinations over them. Wet on wet is an apparent good technique but very difficult to do especially if the aim is to understand color. Very clean, Great, Great!
- on January 22, 2009
President Barack H. Obama, Hola!
- on January 21, 2009
I like that you have been able to adapt this technique to so many different media.
- on January 19, 2009
Computer Tech is my best form of art. I learned how to start work on Studio Works with a digital camera, wow! iPod Images
- on January 18, 2009
The yellow flower stands out best. Good job!
- on January 18, 2009
I think I like this wall best in the art show. Good job students!
- on January 18, 2009
Teacher, this is a wonderful view of this wall!
- on January 18, 2009
Happy New Years / 2009!
- on January 1, 2009
I like the way this was started. Stage one is very interesting in that it combines computer technology, technology, a digital camera, canvas, acrylic paints, hot glue and an iron. I can't forget the talented students and their hours of time.
- on December 30, 2008
Sharika, Alaxendra, Katty, Kyle and Micaela all of you did well on this project and it has been all over the world by now with your names on it. Good Job!
- on December 25, 2008
I recieved this as a gift from my teacher on a star and I love it and so does my family.
- on December 14, 2008
This is about the most outstanding work we have done only second to Martin Luther King...
- on December 11, 2008
This is at the Board of Education and I saw it...Good Job Mrs. Mayson
- on December 9, 2008
I like working one these large projects and this one was a complete success.
- on November 28, 2008
This was a complete joy to create!
- on November 23, 2008
I should have been a part of this team of young artist at the Middle School!
- on November 22, 2008
I can't wait to see this one!!!
- on November 22, 2008
We are not walking on the wild side anymore...
- on November 20, 2008
Don't forget to come see this unvailed on Dec. 3, 08 at 6:00pm in the Board of Ed.
- on November 16, 2008
I would like to work on the next great project, How do I sign up...
- on November 16, 2008
I can't wait to see this unvailed!
- on November 16, 2008
This tells the best story...
- on November 14, 2008
We are working on it now and it is great!
- on November 12, 2008
To Mayor Hawkins, This is our moment!
- on November 12, 2008
I can almost say I know President Obama and that is a great feeling when I see the results of this very great work.
- on November 12, 2008
Was this painted from nature?
- on November 10, 2008
This says a lot about our school. Perfect!
- on November 9, 2008
I am glade I had a part in painting this mural. WOW!
- on November 9, 2008
Seeing this makes me want to return to the Middle School Art program. Good Work!
- on November 9, 2008
I like the way this was started. What do you call it?
- on November 9, 2008
What a great way to remember this great historical happening. I am sure our students will remember it forever. Good Job!
- on November 9, 2008
This is my pick as best scratch-board of the gallery. Good Job ARTCLUB38.
- on November 7, 2008
I see digital photography is live and well in Orange Middle School.
- on November 7, 2008
This is the beat plant still-life I have seen in a long while. Good job Luis.
- on November 7, 2008
This is my kind of art. Good job!
- on September 29, 2008
Is this a cabbage or what?
- on September 8, 2008
Nature is beautiful.
- on September 8, 2008
What a beautiful natural color.
- on September 8, 2008
Beautiful work. Took my breath away...
- on September 4, 2008
This is just about the best creative composition I have seen. Good Job!!!
- on August 31, 2008
Yellow is my favorite color.
- on August 31, 2008
Aww, how come we never did the digital photos?
- on August 27, 2008
This was a good choice for subject matter.
- on August 15, 2008
Color from nature...
- on August 15, 2008
Digital photography is pure art straight from the camera. I just love the color and the composition.
- on August 15, 2008
I would like to try this now that I am in the 8th grade.
- on August 14, 2008
- on August 14, 2008
I like the angles that you have achieved and the colors seem to enhance the composition.
- on August 13, 2008
Wow, is this a landscape?
- on August 13, 2008
The lines and shapes are outstanding in this composition.
- on August 13, 2008
- on August 13, 2008
Hola! Hola!
- on August 13, 2008
- on August 13, 2008
- on August 13, 2008
- on August 12, 2008
- on August 9, 2008
- on August 9, 2008
Of the 70 student painting in acrylic, this is the best next to mine.
- on August 9, 2008
You brought these daisies to life...
- on August 6, 2008
I like this bunch of daisies.
- on August 6, 2008
The daisy is my flower too!
- on August 6, 2008
Nature is beautiful...
- on August 5, 2008
Blue glass.
- on August 5, 2008
Wow! Are these real? Good photo.
- on August 4, 2008
Turquoise is my favorite blue...
- on August 4, 2008
This flower hits all of the artistic points perfectly: elements, color, design, composition and technology.
- on August 2, 2008
What color will the flowers be, Yellow or pink?
- on August 2, 2008
Green is in!
- on August 2, 2008
This is the way those fall red berries start off. Look close!
- on August 2, 2008
This is the best green I have seen...
- on August 2, 2008
I like browns and it photographs well...
- on August 2, 2008
I never thought eggs could be a good subject for digital art, but I do, do like it...
- on August 2, 2008
This blue is more my taste...
- on August 2, 2008
NICE! ... neighbor
- on August 2, 2008
Magnolia's are my favorite flower. This looks like a big one.
- on July 24, 2008
This is the best view of Orange Middle School I have ever seen. Good Work Dr. Kronin!
- on July 23, 2008
This is the best portrait drawing in the Gallery...
- on July 20, 2008
This painting is a fixture in our school, WOW! see it in the lobby.
- on July 20, 2008
What a cute corner of the school, it is always in tact and students always know where they are "The Visual Arts Community".
- on July 20, 2008
What a cute corner of the school, it is always in tact and students always know where they arts "Visual Arts Community".
- on July 20, 2008
Composition is everything.
- on July 13, 2008
Your study of color and color and design was well worth it. Good Job!
- on July 11, 2008
I like this montage. Can you make detailed shots?
- on July 7, 2008
I like how you have used white to tone down the green and orange. It is a pleasing combination and perfect for this Magnolia Flower.
- on July 7, 2008
White is in this year!
- on July 7, 2008
Wow! this a very interesting piece of art work, nice job!
- on May 2, 2008
I did like the masks and nameplates. Good Job!
- on April 26, 2008
Your world looks like a fun one and thanks for letting me peek.
- on April 26, 2008
Thanks for letting me into your world. It is a good place to be. Thanks Dr. Kronin and Mr. Harris. This is a super teacher!
- on April 22, 2008
Spring has sprung!!!
- on April 22, 2008
Let us see more of this...
- on April 22, 2008
I like how you make them look at themselves because the picture is very good.
- on April 22, 2008
This was a beautiful exhibit. I love to see their well controlled drawings. Good job teacher.
- on April 22, 2008
This is really nice, it looks so real.
- on April 17, 2008
I like this drawing...
- on March 20, 2008
I liked this lesson in copper, wire, glue and acrylic and oil paint.
- on March 20, 2008
I'm catching my dream, all three of them...
- on March 16, 2008
Wow, how did you stage this?
- on March 16, 2008
This color drawing has all of the kinds of touches that I like. Good job.
- on March 17, 2008
She is so pretty in this picture. Good Job!
- on March 4, 2008
This looks like the real thing. This is the best picture on Artsonia.
- on March 4, 2008
Nice drawing you can draw mad good...
- on March 4, 2008
The person who took this picture can take pictures.
- on March 4, 2008
This is the best view of Orange I have seen in a long time. It is very atmospheric.
- on February 28, 2008
I hope we get to see this in our All City Exhibit on March 6, 2008 at 7:00 at OMS.
- on February 26, 2008
Colors in nature are always the best.
- on February 25, 2008
This was a scene captured through the front glass doors at the Board of Education on Jan. 9th, 2008 at 7:30am while hanging Orange Middle School's Annual Art Exhibit. It was the morning of the formal opening of 150 students works and murals. The weather had been cold but somehow it warmed up and produced this beautiful sunrise. What a nice omen.
- on February 25, 2008
This is amazing!!!
- on February 25, 2008
I LOVE this. it is beautiful
- on February 25, 2008
This looks like real stone.
- on February 22, 2008
This is a bright fall day.
- on February 22, 2008
She was a brave woman...
- on February 18, 2008
I think I now know why the caged bird sings... What a great book!
- on February 18, 2008
Jessie is my modern day Black hero.
- on February 18, 2008
American Black Artist and the best of his time. This is a good drawing!
- on February 17, 2008
I like her eyes...
- on February 17, 2008
This looks like Jessie...
- on February 17, 2008
Skin tone is always difficult but you have made it seem easy, especially black skin for children to focus on. Good job!
- on February 16, 2008
This mask is very real. How did you get the glaze to look like this. Good job gang...
- on February 15, 2008
This class was fun to do because I like clay.
- on February 15, 2008
I like this one best. Stephanie
- on February 15, 2008
Wow! Powerful.
- on February 14, 2008
This is your 4th season with this program, well done nurse.
- on February 14, 2008
You are so creative in you ability to show silhouettes of historical characters and have the audience understand them. Good job!
- on February 14, 2008
- on February 13, 2008
This mask makes the dream come alive and I like the eyes and tear.
- on February 13, 2008
The angle this mask was photographed makes it look very real. Good Job!
- on February 13, 2008
This one is perfect. Good Job ARTCLUB38.
- on February 13, 2008
I like copper tooling.
- on February 8, 2008
How did you get this finish on this copper? The aging is very good.
- on February 8, 2008
This looks like a mask from the West Coast of Africa. Good Job!
- on February 8, 2008
This is a lady of our time period and I know because of her hair do. I like this copper.
- on February 8, 2008
This is my kind of composition. Good Job!
- on February 1, 2008
There has only been one still life that ever looked better then yours and that belongs to me. Your path to greatness is almost at its end. Keep making amazing artwork. Good!
- on January 30, 2008
I like this giant Dr. Martin from all angles.
- on January 29, 2008
What a wonderful exhibition, you did us proud.
- on January 29, 2008
The subject of the school is the best in the show. It shows, classical architecture, painting and drawing skills, and a gift of imagination. I like the painting technique also. Good Job 8th graders.
- on January 29, 2008
Who is this dude ARTCLUB?
- on January 28, 2008
This Dr. Martin should have been on the show at the Middle School. I expected to see it. Beautiful job ARTCLUB38...
- on January 28, 2008
This closeup is just great. I love the oranges, it makes the people just stand out. Good job ARTCLUB38.
- on January 24, 2008
I also have a dream...It works!
- on January 20, 2008
I love the collage, montage effect you were able to create in this mural. It gives it a dimension that few are able to achieve. When you see it again look at the little treasures that students see but forget. This is art and pure Social Commentary.
- on January 19, 2008
Can I have a string of beads? You make my day.
- on January 19, 2008
I saw this and it is so big. How did you manage it in that tiny room? How can I join your club After School, any special obligations?
- on January 19, 2008
Our exhibit is a winner!!!
- on January 16, 2008
This is great closeup, the oranges just pop and the people are outstanding.
- on January 16, 2008
This Dr. King is S U P E R I O R!!! I KNOW IT IT 8" x 7" and painted to scale by our ARTCLUB. Good Job group.
- on January 15, 2008
This is the best example of student's work I have seen of Dr. King in our school. Good work young artist.
- on January 15, 2008
Student's at OMS in a rush to get educated and not afraid to show it. Come on over to the Board of Education and check us out in acrylic paintings, drawings, copper, clay and papier mache.!!!
- on January 14, 2008
Drawing what is in front of you is not an easy thing. I learn so much from this strict discipline, it was a great experience.
- on January 11, 2008
This was the Best!
- on January 11, 2008
I like this Bison's style...
- on January 11, 2008
I saw this, what an excellent show, Thank Mrs. M...!!!
- on January 11, 2008
How many colors can we be? You have shown us that the world is definitely tri-colored. GOOD JOB!
- on January 11, 2008
I saw this Martin Tribute, what a powerful idea these children are working on. Keep up the classes Art Teacher!!!
- on January 11, 2008
Ms. K's class is a winner. These drawings are a winner...
- on January 11, 2008
This one is hot, hot. I saw it in the class room. I also saw it printed on-tile by Artsonia. Good job!
- on December 19, 2007
This is masterful...
- on December 19, 2007
This is such a wonderful drawing! You showed a lot of details and it almost looks like it's real!!!!
- on December 9, 2007
This picutre is so pretty you really showed how much effort and details you put in it! I'm not a really good artist but this is amazing!
- on December 9, 2007
This is quite a drawing. How long did it take and what does it say?
- on December 2, 2007
Oh, I saw this in the basement gallery and it looks like a League of Nations. Good work...
- on December 1, 2007
This is outstanding!!!
- on November 29, 2007
Your roof tops are real good!
- on November 26, 2007
Those daisies are very real because you did such a god job.
- on November 26, 2007
You are a wonderful young artist and you have a beautiful handwriting.
- on November 5, 2007
You did a very good job!!!
- on November 5, 2007
I love your art. You have a way of showing your feelings and it is good!!
- on November 4, 2007
Go To The Mountaintop!!!
- on October 31, 2007
Orange is my favorite color too.
- on September 18, 2007
This is my kind of mask.
- on September 18, 2007
The poured mask is the best kind of ceramic mask. It is a very messy technique but I loved every minute of the work.
- on September 14, 2007
Who is this? She is beautiful...
- on September 12, 2007
I like this garden, it's eternal.
- on September 7, 2007
Dear Club, This is an excellent tribute to our students in Orange. Thanks for your contributing in showing the world.
- on September 2, 2007
The tulip in the front is from the Middle School because I saw the guy making it. He made 10. He made a large box first, folded it back , glued it to secure it , spray painted it yellow, doweled it and stood it up. It took a week. Wow!
- on September 2, 2007
The tulip in the front is from the Middle School because the guy making it. He made 10.
- on September 2, 2007
- on September 2, 2007
- on September 2, 2007
This view shows the magnitude and scale of this project. It lightens up the stair way. Good idea.
- on September 2, 2007
This was a well thought out project and I can see my own contribution, a hot pink tissue mum on a long stem. I enjoyed this craft.
- on September 1, 2007
- on August 30, 2007
I participated in this great project. I made the 9 origami tulips in yellow from the Middle School in our Art Club after school.. It was fun.
- on August 30, 2007
- on August 24, 2007
I don't know if we are better at drawing ot painting. I just know our subject matter is hot.
- on August 24, 2007
See you soon!
- on August 23, 2007
I like my school and this was a pleasure to work on.
- on August 23, 2007
This is the most elegant drawing in our collection. Good Work!
- on August 22, 2007
This drawing is very unlike my own. He is very heavy on the charcoal and it gives the drawing a whole new look of power. Good job Fristo.
- on August 17, 2007
This is a beautiful mural. I like how it has developed. Good job Art Club.
- on August 12, 2007
- on August 11, 2007
This fez hits the spot.
- on August 8, 2007
Of the portraits in our mural, this is the only one we could not identify. What a great drawing and painting.
- on August 8, 2007
- on August 7, 2007
I know this is the first kitten drawn. I can see him. Your charcoal work is very good.
- on August 6, 2007
To think, this is a jockey that made the country sit up and look, wow!
- on August 5, 2007
One more hero for the cause. Good drawing.
- on August 5, 2007
Justice Marshall is a credit to the world.
- on August 5, 2007
Dr. Bunch is a very important hero to the world. In diplomacy, their was non other to equal his smarts and he was a credit to his race. Let us never forget him.
- on August 5, 2007
Jessie Owens is my hero also. That guy could run, he outran Hitler.
- on August 3, 2007
I thought this young artist did very well and I will look forward to his other recreations. Good job! I know he used charcoal and the drawings are 8X10.
- on August 3, 2007
What a great way to learn the drawing mechanics of charcoal when we used photographs to understand shape, form and line to form a portrait. We also drew upside down to understand pure line. Each Club member chose a character in one book in Black History.
- on July 31, 2007
I think this rubbing is very natural. GOOD JOB!
- on July 27, 2007
This looks like a bird's nest...What a delight!
- on July 27, 2007
Is this a Finch or a Robin, whatever, I like it.
- on July 27, 2007
I like the hint of shading in this face. I will try this in my on drawings of my self. I hope it is colored pencil or pastel.
- on July 27, 2007
I like how this fern looks in a painting because it was very difficult to work with and it took a long time to finish to my satisfaction. Art Club is fun but hard.
- on July 26, 2007
I like this composition and the jewels just add another dimension.
- on July 26, 2007
This is a good view.
- on July 26, 2007
Birds are my favorites even though I don't know what this one is.
- on July 26, 2007
I like this digital version. The colors are very intense.
- on July 26, 2007
The colors here are very strong and I like the digital version also.
- on July 26, 2007
I like the way you used light and dark points. I guess the lessons on value in shading made sense. I can see all the curves in his face and the features look good too.
- on July 26, 2007
This portrait sequence on the Orange Peel's Mural painting is outstanding. I only hope it does not end up in a closet and if so can I have mine...
- on July 25, 2007
- on July 25, 2007
This was the most dynamic exhibit in the entire Gallery and I am happy I was a part of "Art of Our Popular Culture".
- on July 25, 2007
What a pleasure to draw this Kitty. I think it looks like a ball of yarn. Oh, it's done in charcoal on white paper.
- on July 25, 2007
This banner is about 7feet wide. It was made for parades to represent our school. I have not seen in in a parade yet but I helped make it and know it is somewhere in the town. If we need it I can make another. It was fun to see it take shape.
- on July 25, 2007
This must have been a good lesson because the results are good. Stippling, pointillism, is a satisfying technique. Good Job!.
- on July 25, 2007
I loved this technique of rubbing various wax crayons onto a paper covered woodcut. What a nice even tone we were able to achieve.
- on July 24, 2007
I like your use of pure color. The basket still-life was very successful. Good Job!
- on July 24, 2007
Roses are my second favorite flower.
- on July 24, 2007
Your colors are very transparent aand clearly defined. Do me a favor and try it again. Good job!
- on July 24, 2007
I could do this!
- on July 24, 2007
This test drawing has real personality. Good job!
- on July 24, 2007
Dedicated to Mrs Rosa Parks...
- on July 24, 2007
So you can draw real people. I like this drawing and the coloring is good too!
- on July 24, 2007
This is a way-out drawing Vladimir. Wow!
- on July 24, 2007
What is this? Maybe it is made of metal or painted in copper. I like it I think, but I would like to see it...
- on July 20, 2007
Jameel, is this you? Is this where your portrait ended up.
- on July 20, 2007
- on July 20, 2007
This was a work where you used all colors available to you. Good Job! Are these the Peels?
- on July 20, 2007
This is our natural blond dude! She is a Peel!
- on July 19, 2007
In the painting, this dog was called, the guy in the yellow raincoat.
- on July 19, 2007
I know who this is, well done Bro.
- on July 18, 2007
This painting does pop of the page, what fun this was to create.
- on July 18, 2007
This was the best project to work on. We worked during class, after class and at Art Club. What fun to make and cut and link each piece. It took forever and about 40 students did it. We could not understand why until it was all put together.
- on July 17, 2007
From what I could see, this was a great little painting. Good Job.
- on July 17, 2007
Your painting, or self portrait is well painted. I like the movement of the light browns on the face. It gives it a very real quality and depth that few can achieve. Good Work Keevon.
- on July 16, 2007
Vaughn, this is a very good color sketch for the mural.
- on July 16, 2007
This portrait really jumped of of the page into 3D. I like the expression you captured. Your color mixing was also successful.
- on July 14, 2007
Fristo, your work is outstanding and I know you will do well in the High School.
- on July 13, 2007
I would love to see this again in our Gallery. It is so delicate.
- on July 11, 2007
You use crayons very well for your age. The expression is well done and the color blends are perfect.
- on July 11, 2007
I love copper tooling.
- on July 10, 2007
Copper is just about my favorite media. This is an old and treasured technique that the teacher says comes down from the Egyptian Empires, 5000 years ago. Most Old World Cultures used it, it was lasting and told a unique story. I also tries it in our Art Center. It takes a long time to finish and is just about indestructible. Most of the pieces we had to select from were recycled. We got an old world finish on it with heat or chemicals, what a smell that part let off.
- on July 11, 2007
I love this big rooster, 40 X 40. The colors are outstanding with this big vibrant sun. What a treat to see. Can't you just see and hear him crowing early in the morning.
- on July 10, 2007
This was difficult. I had to make several attempts before I succeeded.
- on July 10, 2007
I like this flower's colors.
- on July 10, 2007
This was a difficult flower to created because I hated it. But look at my results. Now I am willing to try new things. I even know how to appreciate all of nature because it all matters.
- on July 11, 2007
This was a very small and difficult problem.
- on July 9, 2007
This is my favorite Christmas flower.
- on July 9, 2007
How do you like my beautiful mum?
- on July 9, 2007
I remember when we made these flowers, I hated this lesson but when we were asked to paint them so small, I did it anyway. Am I glad I did? YES!
- on July 11, 2007
Man, this is HOT!
- on July 9, 2007
I like this delicate flower you were able to portray. The pink is perfect.
- on July 9, 2007
I would just call this dress down day. Watch, this school year, as we make them dress in code...What fun that will be.
- on July 3, 2007
This is a wonderful Creation. You did well with the details. CONSIDERING WHAT IT WAS MADE OF, CARDBOARD AND STRING AND A FEW SPARE PARTS, I was just shocked. Amazed also because of its life size. It appears to be to scale. Good Job Fristo.
- on June 27, 2007
Even the side of the school looks good from this angle.
- on June 23, 2007
This is truly the inside of this building. What a work of art.
- on June 23, 2007
Fristo, your guitar is classic. I saw it in class, the Art Club and the gallery. How did you do this?
- on June 23, 2007
You have a good eye. This is my school also.
- on June 23, 2007
Is this dress down day at the Middle?
- on June 12, 2007
I saw this ceramic work in our All City Festival and I did like what I saw. I believe it is still on view.
- on June 10, 2007
The quality of this work is outstanding. I saw it at the All City Art Show. Can I have one.
- on June 2, 2007
I like this angle of our gallery.
- on May 20, 2007
I see this collection everyday. What a treat.
- on May 20, 2007
This is about the best mural in the collection.
- on May 20, 2007
I like the way the CLUB MEMBERS painted it. I love every single detail. It is very good.
- on May 14, 2007
WOW! Perfect Club design!
- on May 14, 2007
This is still the best After School design Next to Basic Art.
- on May 13, 2007
I saw this in our Gallery, please take the time to see and examine it.
- on May 5, 2007
I like to see how these long, large and colorful stamps come alive as the canvas moves in the breeze. They are good evidence of how we have honored our past. Good job ARTCLUB38.
- on May 5, 2007
I enjoyed working on this large hanging mural. How nice it is still being used. We worked for 8 weeks using acrylic paint and later sealed with varnish. It was dedicated in a school assembly at Main Street School. Thanks Artsonia for publishing it for the world to see.
- on April 29, 2007
How did you come up with this color scheme? It is great...
- on April 24, 2007
This is an amazing creation and I understand it has lasted for three years. I know I have my bag.
- on April 21, 2007
I can remember working on this project. It was great!
- on March 29, 2007
I can remember working on this project. It was great! Angela
- on March 28, 2007
I have watched this develop. It is an amazing process. Thanks ArtClub and Artsonia.
- on March 17, 2007
I am working on this now and she is very difficult to capture. It is much better each time we work.
- on March 12, 2007
I think the graphic for these giants were overlooked. What a mistake. Your idea was right on.
- on March 10, 2007
- on March 10, 2007
I was very happy to paint on this project. It was very large and we all had a section to blend into the next. When the artist finished drawing it, it took three weeks or more to key the colors into their places. Our teacher did a masterful job in mixing and creating color to match the stamp original. I was tired each day.
- on March 7, 2007
This was a very informative conference. First, I liked the breakfast, then the talk on daily nutrition, the body and exercise, a snack of fruit and cheese and crackers followed, back to the auditorium, hip hop dance and culture, lunch of whole wheat products and they were very good . Then activities for the remainder of the day. Good job Nurse!
- on March 5, 2007
The Sisterhood and Brotherhood gave a very good good conference. Ienjoyed the information, the food and all of the good handouts.
- on March 4, 2007
This conference is over the top and this graphic was everywhere and I will never forget it. Good job ARTCLUB!
- on March 3, 2007
Your color choices are very good.
- on March 1, 2007
Britney, your concentration , composition, and choices of color are excellent. I can see that concentration and research went into this work.
- on March 1, 2007
I remember painting this stamp. It was the most difficult thing I have every done, but it was great. I will never forget it from three years now.
- on February 24, 2007
This is a very, very large painting and it looks just like that stamp issued January/February 2006. I also had the privilege to help paint it.
- on February 24, 2007
This portrait of Ella was very difficult to paint so large and we are still working at it. Good luck group...
- on February 23, 2007
This is a symbol that all the Middle School students get to know. It represents daily health and good living. Thank you for allowing us to work the graphics this third year. I love the colors and hope to go to the Conference.
- on February 22, 2007
I helped on this one. The profiles were very difficult and so were the costumes.
- on February 22, 2007
Fredrick Douglas, W.E.B Dubois were difficult, and so was Dr. Drew, but they were fun. I also learned their history.
- on February 22, 2007
Thurgood Marshall was my favorite...Best Lawyer in the country at the time. I was proud to work on him.
- on February 22, 2007
Music is my passion and I have discovered "Rag Time."
- on February 22, 2007
Jacob Lawrence is my favorite Black Artist. A warm smile comes over me when I saw his work at the Newark Museum.
- on February 22, 2007
- on February 22, 2007
The beat symbol of an activity that means so much to the health of our young students. I can see how it has lasted for three years so far. Good job ARTCLUB for the update.
- on February 21, 2007
This group has my stamp of approval...
- on February 10, 2007
I like this large painting, it is an inspiration to me each time I see it.
- on January 31, 2007
This is the best scene I have seen in the Middle School for a long time. Keep up the work Basic Art classes and After School Club.
- on January 27, 2007
- on January 27, 2007
I liked this project. It is so big. I was so close and then it seemed not to be Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Then the teacher let us all sign up as the young artist for this year. I could not wait to let my mother and family see it. We hung it in the school lobby and it came alive. WOW!!!
- on January 27, 2007
I enjoyed working on this team. It was as if we were working for a cause. Thanks for exhibiting it on Artsonia.
- on January 27, 2007
I think this painting calmed our school. Please find a place for it to always hang...
- on January 27, 2007
What a wonderful way to create a lasting impression in the minds of our young students from around the world.
- on January 23, 2007
WOW! What an honor for a great man.
- on January 22, 2007
I remember when this was first painted. What an impact this image has on the public and I look forward to seeing it each year. Thank you art club.