Mallorie37's Comments (4)

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Below are comments about Mallorie37's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Mallorie - what a beautiful work of art! I love your use of colors and imagination with your letters!! You did an AWESOME job!!!
-- Mindy
- on October 14, 2010
We are so very proud of your artwork, Mallorie. Can't wait to see more of it entered on Artsonia. Perhaps a beautiful tree to help celebrate "TreeHa! for Kids" with our friends at "me2everyone"?
-- Bill and Suzi a.k.a. Pa and Sue
- on April 19, 2010
You are an amazing artist! I love seeing your work!
-- Amy
- on February 17, 2010
What an amazing eye for colors! We can visualize a stained-glass window with the Texas sun shining through, lighting up the room just like the smile on Mallie's face.
-- Sue and Pa
- on February 17, 2010