Makayla2628's Comments (9)

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Below are comments about Makayla2628's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Gee did it again. AWESOME!!!!! Love, Gram Sile
- on April 23, 2009
Well Well Well, I knew that you could color a reeally pretty picture...but I had no idea you could draw and paint something like this! How FANTASTIC my little twitter bug! Keep up the good work and I hope you can paint one for me with your signature - I'll frame it and it will be worth lots of money someday! Love You Kay xoxo
- on March 13, 2009
I live in Florida for the winter. I saw your terrific artwork all the way down here. You have great talent. Keep up the good work and keep being inspired. One day your gifted and talented artwork will be hung in galleries down herre on Fifth Avenue. You have a wonderful flair with color and design. Continued success. I look forward to seeing more of your work. Rick Squire
- on March 9, 2009
Great Job Makayla!!! I'm so proud of you.
- on March 9, 2009
Boy that sure is a beautiful picture Mikayla! you do great work!!!
- on March 6, 2009
Hi Mikayla, Your painting is beautiful!! I attended the Parma City Schools too (a looooong time ago!) and took many art classes, I also went to an art school for college and now work in the art field. It's nice to see that the Parma school system is still "rockin the art world". Keep up the good work! Sue M. (friend of Bobo and Kathy)
- on March 6, 2009
Makayla !!! This is totally awesom - you are a beautiful flower too !! Love you - Great Auntie Linda
- on March 4, 2009
Great Job KAY!!!!! You do beautiful work. I love you! Grandma Sile
- on March 3, 2009
Awesome Job Makayla!!
- on March 3, 2009