Shelby1994's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Shelby1994's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Shelby, Your artwork is fabulous, and I want you to know that we really like the black and white hearts and also the 'world' art!!! You're doing really well! Love, Uncle Gary and Aunt Dianna
- on March 9, 2009
Hi Shelby, I really like the black & white design. You're very good at abstract art. I think I see hearts in it. I LOVE checking out your new artwork. Keep it up! Love, Grandma
- on March 8, 2009
Well done. This is a very neat piece. I see a future. Love J
- on March 4, 2009
shelby this is sooooo cool!!! love, mom
- on March 3, 2009
Dear Chickadee, I just loved this picture & am ordering a sweatshirt. It looks like abstract art and reminds me of a globe. Hope you keep up the good work! SWEET! Love, Grandma
- on February 26, 2009
shelb great job i love the picture. Love dad
- on February 20, 2009
shelby this picture is really awesome!!! good job!!!
- on February 15, 2009
Hi Shelby! Jeff, Molly and I absolutely LOVE your artwork! You are a very good artist and we hope you continue to add more of your drawings to this site! Keep up the good work and we'll be checking back often! Love, Auntie Dawn
- on February 15, 2009
shelbster. congrats on your new website. We are so proud of you and your talent.
- on February 15, 2009
Shelby, I love the snowman. Great job and keep up the creative work.
- on February 15, 2009