BaileyRoseK1's Comments (4)

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Below are comments about BaileyRoseK1's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Bailey, this is beautiful!!! I love the contrasting colors! I can picture a cute little frog waiting to hop up on his own little oasis. Keep up the good work. Love, The McKeans
- on May 9, 2009
I am so impressed. You are quite the artist. Thank you for including me. Aunt Tara
- on May 9, 2009
These are all so amazing! I love the drawing of the lily pad and the one of the alligators. I want to get a coffee mug of one of your drawings and definitely some cards. These are all really wonderful. Thank you for sharing them with us!
- on May 9, 2009
I really like your fish! Cool designs on the tail!
- on May 9, 2009