I love this picture Neshoba! My favorite color is blue and I love the different shades you used. Great Job! Mom -- Jackie
- on September 24, 2010
This is the coolest picture I think I have ever seen! You have so much talent! I'm glad I have a nephew who puts so much energy into things you like. It really speaks so much of you as a person. -- MB
- on March 18, 2010
Neshoba, I really like the way you use the various colors in your work. they blend well and look really good. I'm very proud of you and the work you are doing. Pops.
- on March 18, 2010
This picture is awesome (like you!) and spooky. I like the bat under the moon.. draw me a picture for the fridge!
- on March 29, 2009
I like the colors you used in this picture!
- on March 29, 2009
Mr. Artist, Just love your artwork! You truly have a gift in the creative arts. Can't wait to see some more. Love you!
- on March 29, 2009
This is really neat and I am very proud of you. I really enjoyed your use of color in each of your pictures. I think you have real talent and I look forward to seeing more artwork from you. Keep up the good work.
- on March 29, 2009
Hey Neshoba, Great work! I can't wait to see more. love Mom