Love the flowing pink mane- a red lip beauty. I used to wear lipstick that color. Smile!!! -- Aunt Joan
- on May 22, 2016
We love the red bird. Hope to see many as Spring arrives. Love, Magah and Pakah -- Tom & Peggy
- on May 13, 2015
Bobble head cardinal……We need to give him/her a special name. Cardinals are significant in our family. Your Great Grandfather Manca started the CRAZE. He loved cardinals and watched them in the backyard on Hudson St. religiously. -- Jean
- on May 13, 2015
AAAAHHHH! Scary! Love, Aunt Margie -- Margaret
- on August 1, 2013
What a pretty blue bird! -- Margaret
- on July 10, 2013
A is for Awesome! -- Margaret
- on May 16, 2013
Wow! This is really different and wild! I think it is very cool you used your own hands and feet to make it. -- Margaret
- on May 16, 2013
Lovely Job! Such an elegant, young lady with her earrings & necklace, and a sleeveless dress. Much Love, Aunt Margie -- Margie
- on August 8, 2012
Cool shoes! Are they both your's? Were you wearing 2 different kinds of shoes that day? Anyway, Great Job! -- Margie
- on August 8, 2012
WOW! This is So Cool! I don't think I've ever seen anything quite like it. It almost looks like its moving. -- Margaret
- on August 8, 2012
Hi Abigail! I LOVE your very cute dog! Is he or she modeled on Honey? Is it hungry or laughing? Either way, great job! Much Love, Aunt Margie -- Margaret
- on August 8, 2012
WOW! So Good! And in an Art Show! I love all three hearts, but I like the middle one the most. It looks like it is coming off the paper toward me! Congratulations, Abigail!! Keep up the wonderful work! -- Margaret
- on August 8, 2012
Abigail, I just saw your latest artwork, Harp in the Night. I like your choice of instruments, because the harp is really different. I also liked the combination of colors you put in the background collage. They are some of my favorites! Keep up the great work! Grandma -- Grandma
- on August 8, 2012
WOW, Abigail! This is a GREAT piece of art. I didn't even know you liked the harp. It is very pretty and an unique way of looking at it, from above. Much Love & Hugs, Aunt Margie -- Margaret
- on August 8, 2012
I enjoyed seeing your latest piece of artwork. Your self portrait was excellent! It really did look like you. I like the color or your eyes and the different shades of color you put in your hair. Faces are one of the hardest things to do. Keep up the good work! Love, Grandma -- Grandma
- on August 8, 2012
Hey, Sweetie Pie! This is an Awesome piece! When I was your age I could never have done anything like this. I hope you keep making all different kinds of art! Love & Hugs-Aunt Margie -- Margaret
- on January 31, 2011
Your Sun gives off the prettiest sunbeams I've ever seen! I love the the purple, yellow and pink rays. And I like how the hills getting lighter makes them look farther away. Beautiful! Great Job! Love, Aunt Margie -- Margie
- on June 5, 2010
Sooooo Pretty! Very bold and bright, I LOVE the colors! Great Job, Abigail! -- Margie
- on June 5, 2010
Abigail, I just saw your latest piece of artwork. The colors really make you think of the jungle, just like Henri Rousseau's paintings. I like the designs on the lion too. I hope you remember all these artists that you have been learning about this year. Perhaps someday we will be reading about YOU AND YOUR PAINTINGS! Love, Grandma
- on June 5, 2010
What a lovely peacock. We look forward to seeing more of your beautiful paintings. Magah
- on June 5, 2010
Cool Map, Abigail! It looks as if it is very old and has been many places. I wonder what the hidden treasure is. Great Job! Much Love, Aunt Margie
- on June 5, 2010
I like your latest art project. It looks like a REAL treasure map. It even looks old and wrinkled! I like the compass directions on the top. All maps always have them. I even saw your key on the bottom. The key unlocks all the map's secrets! It must have been fun doing this project. Keep up the great work! Love, Grandma
- on June 5, 2010
WOW, Abigail!! This is VERY bright and full of color. It looks so alive! I love your work. Your pictures make me feel many things. This butterfly makes me feel happy and light. I wish I could fly like your butterfly. Much Love, Aunt Margie
- on June 4, 2009
We saw your great butterfly art, Abigail, and we think it is beautiful! We also have enjoyed your other art shown on the Web site. Keep up the good work! Love, Pakah & Magah
- on June 4, 2009
Love it! Love it! Love it! Your butterfly is fantastic. Sometimes symmetry is hard to do. I love the colors and your design. I think some butterflies should reallly look like this. Thank you for letting me see it on my computer. Keep drawing! Love, Grandma
- on May 31, 2009
Thankyou for letting me see your latest piece of artwork. I love the bright colors and the light color behind the numbers and darker color around the edge. It makes the numbers really stand out. Water colors are not easy to work with. You are fantastic!
- on April 21, 2009
You know I love these colors. Blues are my favorite. This is a wonderful pinch pot. Keep up the great work! I'm so glad I can see your artwork on the computer! Love, Grandma
- on April 12, 2009
Abigail, I think this piece is terrific. I love the colors and the black outlines. I went to see some of Paul Klee's artwork in a museum in New York City last year and this would fit perfectly with his pictures. Keep up the great work. I want to see more! Grandma
- on April 12, 2009
WOW! I love your picture! It looks to me sort of like a game with balls. It looks fast! Much Love.