Ella361's Comments (29)

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Below are comments about Ella361's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Ella - I love your Styrofoam Artwork. I have never heard of this kind of art - it is really beautiful! Your shapes and the colors look great. Keep up the good work - I love you! Grandma
-- Vera
- on March 4, 2011
I love your picture, Ella. I hope you showed it to Kate, too. I hope you and Kate remain friends for life - you have such a special bond! You are a great asrtist! Love, Grandma
-- Vera
- on January 16, 2011
WOW! I could not get to your pictures, but now I did! Ilove your picture of you and your friend!I love the houses and the sky and the fact the two of you have great big SMILES on your face. I love you! Nannie
-- maryann
- on January 15, 2011
Beautiful flowers, Ella! I wish I had them sitting on my kitchen table! Love, Garndma
-- Vera
- on December 14, 2010
Ella - that is the most colorful, beautiful fish I have ever seen! You are so talented! Love, Grandma
-- Vera
- on December 6, 2010
This is beautiful, Ella (just like you!) Love, Grandma
-- Vera
- on December 6, 2010
I love your "Stars" picture, Ella! Especially the shooting stars. You are truely talented - keep up the good work. Love, Grandma
-- Vera
- on May 27, 2010
Ella - I love your "royal puppies". They really look like they belong in a castle! You are the "Queen" of art! Love, Grandma
-- Vera
- on April 9, 2010
I love your snowy day picture, Ella! It makes me want to come play in the snow with you.! Love, Grandma
- on April 9, 2010
Ella - I love your picture! The tree is beautiful and your picture is so colurful - you are precious! Love, Grandma
- on December 23, 2009
I love your snowman, Ella! So bright and cheery - just like you! Love, Grandma
- on December 23, 2009
AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. That is the scariest monter I have seen!!!!!!!!!I am going to look for something to hide behind!! I hope you did not give hime direction to Colonial Beach, Ilove you nannie
- on December 23, 2009
I love that house!!! I think we should put it on the lot next to nannies house.add a pier for the pontoon boat, jet skies, and add a garage to keep all the golf carts in. What do you think?? I think we should go for it!!!!! I love you Nannie
- on November 30, 2009
I love that picture!!!!!At first I thought it was you dancing, then I thought no it's Ella trying on new clothes, Then I said no it just Ella, being Ella, Cute, happy, and looking like she wants to price something.I LOVE YOU NANNIE!!!
- on October 25, 2009
Ella - I can see from your latest "self portrait" that your hair is definitely longer and your smile is as beautiful as ever! Keep up the good work! Lvoe, Grandma
- on October 25, 2009
WOW!!!!!! those are to cool. Great job. I love seeing you art work. I love you Nannie.!!!!!
- on May 26, 2009
I love your pictures made with squares - they are so pretty! Love, Grandma
- on May 26, 2009
Ella - I love your "pinch pot". The colors look great together. I can't wait to see your next project. Love, Grandma
- on April 5, 2009
H It;s going to rain today so maybe I will get a rainbow over my house as pretty as yours!! I LOVE you Nanniei! I LOVE your rainbow!! The colors are just FANTASTIC!!
- on March 13, 2009
I love the rainbow! I like the way that you learned to combine colors to make other colors in the rainbow! I see yellow under the green so I'm guessing that you mixed the yellow with blue to get the green?? I'm so proud of you....that's so smart! I love you!
- on March 11, 2009
Wonderful ella beautiful color!
- on March 3, 2009
I love your picture Ella - especially the beautiful green tree! Love, Grandma
- on February 27, 2009
WOW!! I LOVE that snowman!! I know that snowmen are always "cool" but this one is the "COOLEST". I can't wait to see your next art work, Love Nannie
- on February 16, 2009
Ella - I love your snowman. The colors are so pretty together!! Love, Mama!
- on February 16, 2009
Ella - that is the coolest, most coloful snowman ever! You do great work. Love, Grandma
- on February 9, 2009
This is great Ella you have really captured yourself. Keep up the good work!
- on February 2, 2009
You are such an awesome artist! I love the colors that you chose! I have a question though....who is sad in the picture?? I love you!
- on January 28, 2009
Ella - I love your picture ! I really think you are a budding artist! Love, Grandma
- on January 28, 2009
Hi Ella! I think your picture is so GREAT!! I can;t wait to see what your next piece of artwork is going to be!!!! I love you, Nannie
- on January 26, 2009