Nick3540's Comments (28)

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Below are comments about Nick3540's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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i like the contrast of this one. & the way you have it all spaced out looks really good.
- on August 27, 2009
i love this one....i like how you have made all the wrinkles in your pants stand out....didnt i tell you to iron? very cool! pencil drawings are your thing!
- on August 25, 2009
this is really really kool
- on June 24, 2009
this is very good! I like how you used the white to make it really stand out!
- on March 30, 2009
this looks really good i like the way you shaded alot all over the left side
- on March 30, 2009
You did a good job.!
- on March 30, 2009
I like your interesting point of view.
- on March 30, 2009
this one is the colors and design....pole vaulters rock!!!
- on March 23, 2009
nick, i love these....doing a great job!!!
- on March 4, 2009
This is really good!
- on February 26, 2009
I really like this piece. Its very well drawn and colored.
- on February 26, 2009
this piece is really creative. i really like it.
- on February 26, 2009
nice use of texture it draws in the viewer
- on February 12, 2009
you use lines to do you work and you use space.
- on February 12, 2009
that shape is pretty hardcore.
- on February 12, 2009
i really like the shape of this picture
- on February 12, 2009
every nise it is creative and exelint use of shadeing and texture.
- on February 12, 2009
you really bring out the texture of the skull.
- on February 12, 2009
Great shading and texture in this drawing.
- on February 12, 2009
I really like your shading.
- on February 12, 2009
in this picture i enjoy seeing the oblique lines and shapes.. as well as the balance of contrast, unity, & the emphasis of the skull..
- on February 12, 2009
I love the contrast of the black rose on the peach roses. It looks amazing!
- on February 12, 2009
This art work has a rough texture look to it
- on February 12, 2009
hmm. i believe it is deprived of a certain ornatholical piece. such as a contrast in value and acertained emphasis on such things. like normal eyes.
- on February 12, 2009
this picture shows exquisite shape and value.
- on February 12, 2009
I like the way you made the joker look. THIS is really good.
- on January 16, 2009
terrific job of combining ideas and media. Ms. S.
- on January 16, 2009
Awesome, Nick- the background is really eye-catching, and the landscape-style sculptures are really cool!
- on January 13, 2009