Great looking collage!!!!!! Really fine. Lots of love Pawpaw -- Larry
- on May 27, 2010
This one is similar to the works of Mr. Pablo Picasso. Ask your parents to look up his works and go over them with you. If I may be so bold could I request some art work done in colored pencil? Keep up the great work, love, Uncle Mitch
- on November 21, 2009
This is very good. You may become an artist one day. Love Uncle Dwight.
- on November 18, 2009
One word: Funny! Love Aunt Jackie
- on November 18, 2009
Great picture. I can just see this clown making people happy. You have a lot of talent, so keep doing more pictures. I love to see your art. Thanks-- Love you much-Pawpaw
- on October 25, 2009
I really like this one, Nathaniel! I like that it's simple and it look exactly like a small young tree that we had in our yard. Keep up the good work! It's fun to see what you are working on! Love, Aunt Mary
- on October 25, 2009
Wow this one is really great Nathaniel. You definitely showed your artistic ability with this one. The eyes, mouth and hair have a very lively and entertaining look to them. Thank you very much for adding me to this list so that I can see your art work. It is very good and I am very happy to be able to see these good works that you do. Love, Uncle Mitch
- on October 24, 2009
Nathaniel you did an AWESOME job on this lion. He is absolutely Amazing. I am very proud.
- on October 20, 2009
Nathaniel, This is one of the best pictures I have ever seen. The colors and the lines have perfect placement. I am thinking to post this one and many others on my computer at home and will forward them on to some top school officials for their comments. I will definitely pass this one on to friends here in Dallas. Keep up the great art work. I am very proud to be related to such a talented artist. Love, Uncle Mitch
- on October 19, 2009
Great job!! The colors look wonderful.
- on October 12, 2009
Sean really liked the picture. Recognized that it was a "pretty house" right away.