Alister3's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Alister3's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Alister...How interesting to include soccer nets in your portrait and dress yourself in stripes like referees. Do soccer refs were stripes or just plain black shirts ? I enjoy your artwork . See you at Thanksgiving. Love, Grandma...Grandpa, too. :)
-- Peg
- on December 5, 2012
Alister, Very nice use of color. You did a great job dwith choosing your oil pastels AND with the smudging technique. Way to go. Your Art Teacher,
-- Ms. VMcP
- on March 17, 2011
Alister...I love your mask!! You'll have to tell me more about it when you call me next time. Love :) Grandma
-- Peg
- on March 8, 2011
More snowmen this year! Just like last year I'm glad I can look at your pictures of sno wmen and not be outside in the snow. Mom says you like basketball and are doing very well. Good for you. I know you like skiing, too...I hope someday you get to ski in Colorado...The mountains are awesome and the ski slopes are long and the "green" ones aren't hard. I know you like the black diamonds...Grandma never skied on those. We love you and miss you.. Love, Grandma
-- Peg
- on March 8, 2011
Alister...I love your artwork. The "Starry Night" was so colorful! I'm glad I can see your work even though I'm in Florida. Can't wait to see you!!!!!! Miss you!!!!!!!!!! Love, Grandma
- on March 8, 2011
- on March 8, 2011
Alister....I really liked these ghosts. They scared me! Say hi to your Mom, Dad, and Connor for me. We miss you so much. When we see you on the beach you'll have to do some art for us. You won't be able to make a snowman, but maybe a sandman!!?? We love and miss you. Keep doing such great artwork. Love, Grandpa
- on February 12, 2009
Alister...I really liked your snowman picture. I know it is cold up in Ohio. I am happy we are in Florida for a few months. We miss you and Connor so much, but we'll see you on the beach in March. Your snowman is so cute with his scarf and earmuffs. If he were real, he would be a puddle outside where I am. I love you so much (your family, too), Stay warm!!! Love, Grandma
- on February 12, 2009