WOW what a colorful fish. I read about all the different techniques that you used to make the different parts of the fish. It's amazing what you can do with art. -- Jean
- on June 5, 2010
Wow!!! I really like the way that vase is constructed. It looks real. Very nice picture. Gramma Jean -- Jean
- on April 28, 2010
Very, Very, Very scary ghosts. -- Jean
- on March 21, 2010
I like this one.It looks like he is holding my favorite cookie, chocolate chip. -- Jean
- on March 21, 2010
This looks like a very happy pumpkin. I like happy (not scary) pumkins -- Jean
- on March 21, 2010
This is a very unique valentine heart. I really like it. -- Jean
- on March 21, 2010
We had to check the dictionary to find out for sure what a pinch pot was. It sounds like a fun thing to do. Your pinch pot is very colorful.
- on May 20, 2009
Isaac, Your spring artwork is very nice. The flowers look a lot like the ones I have in my spring garden. Gramma Jean
- on March 18, 2009
Isaac. Your art is very nice and colorful. Gramma Jean & Papa Paul