William2408's Comments (15)

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Below are comments about William2408's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Dear William Just got back from Italy and saw your latest artwork. Wonderful use of color. We love seeing your work. Miss seeing you. Love Aunt Joan and Uncle Rich
- on April 18, 2009
Beautiful picture William. You did a great job. Keep up the good work. Can't wait to see your next one. Love, Aunt MA
- on April 10, 2009
I enjoy seeing all your artwork. You are doing a great job. Love, Cousin Karen
- on April 10, 2009
William, Your art work is just so beautiful. You are doing a great job! You must really enjoy art class at school. Keep up the good work. I'll continue to check for new art peices. Love, Aunt MA
- on January 26, 2009
Hi William This is a very cool web site! What a great way for everyone to see your artwork. This first picture reminds me of a stained glass picture. It was hard to choose a favorite because I also loved the second one. It looks like outer space! Great colors and very creative! It looks like you enjoy art. I do too. Do you have names for your pieces? Thanks for sharing with me I enjoyed it very much. Love, Mrs. Gabert
- on January 24, 2009
William, I love your art work. You did a great job! Keep up all the good work. XXOO Mrs. Brandstedter
- on January 22, 2009
William, What a treat to be able to see your artwork! It's great to think we might finally have an artist in the family. Keep it coming. Love, Aunt Joan and Uncle Rich
- on January 22, 2009
Very creative artwork! Keep up the good work!
- on January 22, 2009
William I love your artwork. You have done a super job. I can't wait to see more of your pieces. Keep you the great work, Betsy Rau
- on January 22, 2009
Wliiam, I love all the bright colors you chose for your pictures. I look forward to seeing more of your work.
- on January 22, 2009
Hi William. It's nice to see your art work made it on the web. Good Job! I like the red picture with the stars and sun. Love Aunt Renee
- on January 22, 2009
Excellent work, William! I'd love to learn more about your pieces. Kathy Schwartz
- on January 22, 2009
Nice artwork, William. Keep up the good work. Love, Miss Nashae from Baltimore
- on January 22, 2009
Wow William, these are fantastic pieces of art! Keep up the hard work!
- on January 22, 2009
We are very proud of your beautiful creation.
- on January 22, 2009