Emily7407's Comments (14)

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Below are comments about Emily7407's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Bravo Emily, ton oiseau et ton chien sont magnifiques. Tu es une véritable artiste.
-- Papy Guezet
- on January 29, 2013
Bravo Milou tu es une artiste meilleure que Papy. Mille bisous. Papy.
- on November 26, 2009
My goodness, Emily Josephine, you sure do know how to make a turkey. I love your art. Mamie K
- on November 24, 2009
Ciao Emily Josephine, This is fantastic. I am so proud of you. You have a lot of talent. Mamie K
- on November 24, 2009
Emily, I really like your rainbow fish. This one would make a great T-shirt. Ask daddy if he could help Mamie order one. Mamie K.
- on May 26, 2009
Bravo, bravo, bravo your "animal pot" is very beautiful and funny. Papy G.
- on May 26, 2009
Ciao Emily, Mamie K likes your animal pot. You are a talented artist. Love you, Mamie K
- on May 26, 2009
Ciao Emily, This is by far one of your best works. I am so impressed with your talent. You must show this work to me when I return home Thursday. I love you Emmie. Mamie K
- on March 29, 2009
Emily, I love love this! It reminds me of the alligator you held in Florida! You are a great artist! I love the details. Aunt Lori
- on March 8, 2009
Ciao Emily Josephine, I really like this picture. I wonder if you remember our visit to the alligator farm when your family visited with us in Florida. This is a great work. I'm proud of you Emily. I love you too. Mamie
- on March 8, 2009
Ciao Emily, I am most impressed with your art work. You are truly an artist. Bravo. Mamie Kasl
- on February 16, 2009
Ciao Emily, This is by far my favorite work. I am so proud of you. Keep on drawing for you are a true artist. Love & Hugs, Mamie Kasl
- on February 1, 2009
it's very nice Emily ; I am waiting a lot of creations by yourself . Please draw and draw and draw . Mamy Guezet
- on January 13, 2009
Wow! I love this cute mouse! You really have done a super job! I love the way he is looking at that cookie, and all of his precious fur that you worked so hard on. I am SOOOO impressed! Love you Milou! Daddy
- on January 5, 2009