Wow, that is really cool. You sure have a good eye for balance and composition. -- Laurel
- on March 12, 2011
I love the way you have blended the colors together; very nice job. I never knew how beautiful a coffee filter could become! -- Mom
- on January 19, 2011
You do better portraits and shading now than I ever did. I wish they taught us art when I was in school. This is beautiful! -- Grandma Sue
- on January 19, 2011
Here's another one I hadn't seen. I guess I lost you for awhile when I changed email addresses. You and I are both bird lovers, you know, and this one is just beautiful! Again, I love those deep, rich "jewel" colors. Just how birds are supposed to look! -- Grandma Sue
- on January 19, 2011
Sami--I love your artwork. The colors and textures in this collage are beautiful! So glad I have the chance to see them! -- Grandma Sue
- on January 19, 2011
This is very pretty! I love the colors!! -- Laurel
- on January 19, 2011
Sam-- I think this turtle is amazing! I can tell there was a huge amount of time and detail that went in to creating this piece. It turned into an amazing work of art. Congratulations! Love, Mom -- Mom
- on January 13, 2011
Sam-- This is a really special portrait that you have made. You did some really cool things with colors and shades. I am amazed! -- Mom
- on July 5, 2010
Oh how cute!! Does she have a name? -- Laurel
- on July 5, 2010
Your bird is so very sweet! I just bet her name is Stella, and that you will have some just like her when you are older! Nice job! --Mom -- Mom
- on June 16, 2010
awesome!! -- Laurel
- on June 16, 2010
I like it! Keep up the good work! Grandma Deb -- Deb
- on April 21, 2010
Sam-- This is such a neat collage! I really like all the things that fit into your work. You are really a master at art! --Mom -- Becky
- on March 24, 2010
I love it! Collages are so fun, aren't they? -- Laurel
- on March 24, 2010
You do great work!! from Grandpa Darwin & Grandma Jo -- Deb
- on February 18, 2010
Wow, Sam, this is very cool! I love all the movement, and it has some of my favorite colors! You are quite an artist! Love, Auntie -- Laurel
- on February 17, 2010
Wow, Sam! I love the colorful outer space!
- on November 28, 2009
Wow!! I love the details in the creation!! I can really see the work you put into that. You must have a very artistic side. I love your outer space!
- on November 27, 2009
Sam-- This is really an amazing piece of work! You really know your art!! I hope you keep up your artistic streak!!
- on November 26, 2009
This is a really cool picture, and probably better than I could do. I knew right away I had the right Samantha because this looks just like you! (Except the girl in the picture looks a little mad. Hope you're not mad!) Anyway, thanks for letting me know about your artwork. I signed up for your fan club and am looking forward to seeing more pictures and other stuff. Love you! Grandma Sue
- on November 25, 2009
Good job! I would be honored if you would draw a picture of me sometime! Keep up the good work!
- on November 25, 2009
WOW! I can't believe how talented you are! This is great! Keep up the good work!
- on November 25, 2009
Sam-- Your horse rocks!! You are really doing a great job with your art!!