Sara,, I love this blue bird...he is so it....Lv u, Nana -- Nilda
- on March 18, 2015
Sara, I really love this drawing...your choose of colors r great....hope your Mom gets it framed....keep up the good, Nana -- Nilda
- on November 12, 2014
Beautiful Sara! Love this one! -- Grandma
- on November 11, 2014
Sara, I love this self portrait of looks a lot like u ......I will be looking forward to seeing more of your art work.....Lv u, Nana -- Nilda
- on November 11, 2014
Love your artwork Sara! -- Grandma
- on November 11, 2014
Hi, really u -- Nilda
- on June 3, 2013
I love what u did with the, Nana -- Nikda
- on June 3, 2013
Love the colors ....great u -- Nilda
- on June 3, 2013
Wow...very nice and it. -- Nilda
- on June 3, 2013
Very artistic Sara! Love it! -- Grandma
- on June 3, 2013
Beautiful Sara! I thought this was a photograph at first! Very realistic ! -- Grandma
- on June 3, 2013
sara, nice the colors u used.....keep up the great u, Nana & Papa -- Nilda
- on June 3, 2013
I love your winter scene, the colors and the way You placed your u, Nana -- Nilda
- on June 3, 2013
Hi Sarita, we love this the colors you used and the way you draw her ...I think this is your best work yet.....can not wait to see u, Nana and Papa xoxo -- nana
- on September 29, 2012
Hi, we love your new painting......keep up the great u Nana & Papa -- Nana
- on September 29, 2012
Sarita, Great job! Looking forward to seeing more of your u! nana and papa -- nana
- on September 29, 2012
Hi Sarita....I love your new Art the way u used your colors......We love getting your Art you lots..... -- nana
- on September 29, 2012
Your self portrait is amazing! -- Grandma
- on December 29, 2010
Sara, we love the beautiful sunflowers! This is one of our favorite artworks you've done! Love, Mom and Dad
- on May 25, 2010
Absolutely LOVE this artwork Sara! Great colors! Love, Grandma
- on May 25, 2010
Sara, we love the beautiful seahorse! -Mom and Dad
- on May 11, 2010
Love this colorful seahorse, Sara!! Beautiful! Keep up the good work! Love, Grandma & Papa -- Grandma
- on April 9, 2010
wow...we love your sea the colors, i am sure u enjoyed doing this one...can not wait to see more of your art nana & papa -- nilda
- on April 9, 2010
hi Sarita, Papa and i both love your Jazzy looked like alot of fun to do...keep up the good work. we love u, Nana & Papa
- on January 24, 2010
Your butterfly is almost as beautiful as you are Sara! Great art work! Love, Grandma & Papa
- on May 30, 2009
wow...great butterfly...we like the use of your colors, keep up the great work and have fun expressing yourself ...Love u Nana & Papa
- on May 29, 2009
Sara, this is such a beautiful work of art! Wonderful job! Love, Mom and Dad
- on May 12, 2009
What a great interpretation of Jasper John's work! You are terrific Sara!!!! Love, Grandma & Papa
- on May 12, 2009
hi Sarita, your new art work is very colorful, we love it. keep up the good work...we love u, nana & papa
- on May 12, 2009
hi sarita, we have been looking at all your art works and we love them all....have fun doing it.....we love u nana and papa
- on February 18, 2009
I think this is my favorite artwork Sara!! Love, Grandma
- on February 17, 2009
We love your original artwork Sara! Love, Grandma & Papa
- on February 17, 2009
Beautiful color for your pottery! Great job Sara!
- on February 17, 2009
Sara, I really....really like your painting. it reminds me of a stained glass window....beautiful... love, titi, tio, Izzy and Nico
- on February 1, 2009
hi sarita, we just love your art work.....keep it up.....can not wait to see you..nana & papa
- on January 29, 2009
Sara, we love your beautiful art! Keep up the good work! Love, Mom and Dad
- on January 29, 2009
We love your very original artwork Sara! Keep up the good work! Love, Grandma & Papa