trisha130's Comments (9)

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Below are comments about trisha130's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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It's very colorful and the dragon almost looks 3D!!!!
- on January 30, 2009
Pretty, Trisha. I like your art work. Brooke
- on January 30, 2009
really cool colors
- on January 30, 2009
Hey Trisha your art work looks awesome I love the way you use those patterns they look really nice I also like your back ground very much, well I'll see you later.
- on January 30, 2009
Trisha, Your artwork is SO awesome!! I love the way you did the background and the designs on the building. You're really good at drawing keep it up and maybe become an artist one day (if that is what you want to do). --Lauren
- on January 30, 2009
- on January 30, 2009
Your art is so awesome! I like the patterns in your temple.
- on January 30, 2009
Trisha- Your artwork is off the hizzle! Davis
- on January 30, 2009
That`s a really cool temple, I love the cool and funky designs on it!
- on January 30, 2009