Lauren4618's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Lauren4618's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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That is really good!! You are such good artist!!
- on January 19, 2009
That is a cute perspective picture!! I love the scenes!!!
- on January 19, 2009
That is so AWESOME!! I love the colors!!
- on January 19, 2009
Woah Lauren! Looks awesome. I like the water and the people in the canoe/boat. :D ~Michelle~
- on January 19, 2009
your krabby patys so cool. how did you do it?
- on January 19, 2009
Hey Lauren, your backgrounds looks so neat I also love the sun in the middle to add the patterns look so neat, well I'll see you later.
- on January 9, 2009
Lauren- I really love your picture and I enjoy having you in class. Ms. N
- on January 8, 2009