Wow, here's the story I see in this sculpture. First I see a pink ostrich saying hello. Then I see a mom with a platter and her kid standing behind her trying to tell her that he/she lost their kite (the red wire). I love your imagination. Keep it up! Love you,xoxoDuh -- Gramduh
- on March 2, 2010
I like everything about this collage, and it looks like you like American dolls. haha The picture tells a story as well. I like the bush in the background that has 3 heads. It is unusual as well as there is also a real person's head in it. You go, Michele! I hope you always keep up your art. xoxoDuh -- Gramduh
- on February 23, 2010
Michele, I never knew about this piece of work. It is magnificent, real quality. What is Picasso about this scene is that the red object could be a bird.....or a fish (Picasso would have said fish, and the fish was out of water, which is how he felt all the time, like a fish out of water). Something to think about. I would gladly display this work any where in my home as if I bought it. Really amazing job, honey. Love, xoDuh -- Gramduh
- on February 23, 2010
Omigosh, Michele. This is awesome. I definitely see more of Picasso in this. He used geometic shapes and bright colors to do his portraits instead of realistic shapes. But when you look at his pictures, you know the feelings he is trying to show. You are doing that, too! Love you, xoxoDuh
- on February 1, 2010
Michele, What a perfect portrait. You got the hair and eyes and lips right. I always liked how your lips were right next to your right ear. Seriously, what is amazing about this portrait is that I can see how much influence Picasso has on you. I think he would have liked to have you as a student. You keep up the good work. Your talent is wonderful. Love you, xoxo Duh
- on January 31, 2010
Hi Michele! I think this is one of your FINEST paintings ever...I love it! Love, Miss Cole
- on January 31, 2010
Michele, I wish I had a mug with this on it. I love your art. Sort of cubism like Picasso? Love, Duh
- on October 12, 2009
Michele, I love this one so much. I wish I had a wall painting of it in my room. You rock! Love, Duh
- on October 12, 2009
Michele, I love this piece! Your Aborigine cave painting is totally awesome. Did you make new symbols? I would love a shirt made out of fabric printed like your painting! You rock, sweetness! love, Mom
- on October 11, 2009
What I liked most about your house was all the white frosting you used. It reminded me of an adobe gingerbread house with the rectangular shape and simple decorations. Yours was one of my favorite projects! Thank you for sharing it with others to bless them at Christmas time. Love, Mrs. Spangler