Ramel4's Comments (25)

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Below are comments about Ramel4's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Ramel, Thank very much you for doing such a "Great Job" on this painting and all of the rest of them! I really like all of them, and it is very hard for me to try to pick a favorite. Oh well, I guess I will just have to get something that has each painting on it! I am very proud of you! Please keep up the "Awesome Work"! Love, Grandpa
- on June 1, 2009
To: Ramel, Another great piece of art, I love it! Keep up the great work ... from your greatest fan! Love, Grandma
- on June 1, 2009
I loved the painting, van gogh's painting of sunflowers is one of my favourite paintings. keep it up Ramel. Sucy
- on June 1, 2009
hey rome nice picture you keep getting better i guess its all the practice!! franklin
- on March 13, 2009
You are doing great work! I am so very proud of ypu! Your artwork is really nice, and I will be sure to get some items to keep that have your artwork on them. I think that your work shows that you are very smart and that you can do anything that you want to accomplish. All of the artwork that you have done is excellent!
- on March 13, 2009
Hi Ramel, I'm a good friend of your Grandma Estelle. This is absolutely beautiful! I can't wait to see the next masterpiece. You are a very talented young man. Keep up the good work. Your Fan from Gainesville, Florida Lydia
- on March 13, 2009
Great work, Ramel. It is another piece of fine Artwork. I am soooo proud of you! From your biggest Fan! Love, Grandma
- on March 13, 2009
Keep up the fine artwork, Ramel! The picture with the faces is great, but I still like BULLSEYE the best!
- on March 13, 2009
nice picture young p!! keep it up young man!! i knew u would be better than me!!LOL
- on March 13, 2009
Hi Ramel, Another great picture! I love it, love it, love it! Your greatest fan, Love Grandma P.S. - Of course, you know I am ordering items with your artwork.
- on March 13, 2009
Hi Ramel, What great artwork! I am going to buy a number of items with your paintings on them. I will get a large picture of each of your first paintings so I can hang them on the walls at home. I will also buy some aprons, mugs, and other items. Keep up the wonderful work. Love, Grandpa
- on March 13, 2009
Hi, Ramel, your Grandma just sent me a link to your latest work. This is magnificent! You definitely have talent, so keep working on it. Someday you very well might be a famous artist. Grandma's friend, Anne.
- on January 22, 2009
Ramel, Just read my e-mail. I am so... very proud of you! You got talent, and I am so jealous. I can't create this kind of work on paper, and probably not in my mind either. This is a gift given only by God, so keep at it. Love you, "Aunt" Millie Chandler
- on January 13, 2009
Hi Ramel, Great Job! I am very proud of you! You are very talanted, and you are growing up to be a fine young man! Love, Grandpa
- on January 13, 2009
Thank you everyone for all of your wonderful comments! From, Ramel
- on January 13, 2009
Hi Ramel, I work with Grandma and she shows me all you artwork and you have a great imagination. Keep going! Maria
- on January 13, 2009
Ramel, great job! I am very impressed.
- on November 29, 2008
Ramel, You did great work on this picture. Your Grandma is so proud of you. Keep up the good work. Arlene, Works with Grandma Estelle
- on November 19, 2008
Hi, Ramel, Your Grandma shared with me the link to your artwork. Nice job! Keep up the good work. Anne Briscoe
- on November 19, 2008
Ramel, this is really great art! I love the picture, colors and everything about it. I am proud of you! Love, Grandma
- on November 19, 2008
I love it! Very good, Bigman! Keep up the good work. You are still my favorite nephew (Ha, Ha, Ha ... my only nephew). Love, (Your Favorite) Auntie (:))
- on November 19, 2008
- on November 19, 2008
Excellent!!! keep it up. I love your painting..... Sucy
- on November 19, 2008
very nice good job
- on November 19, 2008
Good Job !!! Very creative. Keep up the great work!!
- on November 19, 2008