Christopher3281's Comments (16)

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Below are comments about Christopher3281's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Christopher! This is looking great, keep posting up more artwork because I love looking at it. Also congratulations on your great grades :) -Samantha
-- Samantha
- on December 8, 2011
Good job buddy.
-- Dad
- on December 14, 2011
Great job buddy. It looks GREAT.
-- Scott
- on March 31, 2011
I really like your greek columns piece of art. You did a great job and I hope you keep up the good work because I know how much you enjoy it! Love, Samantha
-- Samantha
- on March 30, 2011
This is a GREAT picture of Cave Art! I hope you keep up the good work and I cannot wait to see more pieces of art.
-- Samantha
- on March 6, 2011
Great Job Christopher! You are getting to be a better artist than me.
-- Samantha
- on February 20, 2011
Christopher, you did a very good job on your artwork! I love it! Keep up the good work buddy! Love Mom
-- Tammy
- on December 8, 2010
I LOVE your Robot.....he is really cool....great job Christopher! I cannot wait until next year when you are in the 1st Grade! Congratulations on your Graduation! We love you! Love Mom and Dad
- on June 4, 2009
Whooo hoo, look at you go Christopher! Nice artwork - it really looks like a very good robot!!
- on June 4, 2009
Dude! Nice Robot! Your art is coming along nicely with more and more details like buttons and stuff. Love you, miss you. C~
- on June 4, 2009
I love the new artwork...what a cute clown Christopher!!!!!!! I am going to have to buy a cup or something! Great job!!!! Love Mommy
- on March 26, 2009
Hey Christopher you did it again! Really terriffic artwork!! Keep up the good work:) Love, Melissa
- on March 26, 2009
WOW, this is a cool looking Alien. Love Dad
- on January 29, 2009
We are so proud of you little man!! Keep up the good work. Love, Mom and Dad
- on January 27, 2009
Hi Christopher! Your monster is very scary.
- on January 28, 2009
Christopher you are an amazing artist! Keep up the great work! Love, Melissa
- on January 27, 2009