Hi Eli, I realy like your latest art work. It is as if there is light coming from somewhere within or outside of the art work. I like the subtle color tones too. I ordered some more note cards of your rainbow and "space" artwork a couple of days ago. I enjoy using them to write to friends and family. If I'd known this new scratchboard art was going to be on Artsonia, I would have ordered something made with it. I am glad I can see your latest art projects. Hugs, Grandma Anne
- on January 23, 2010
- on January 23, 2010
Nice artwork Juwan
- on January 23, 2010
Hi Eli, Thank you for sharing your art work. I really enjoy seeing your work. GOOD JOB! KEEP DRAWING! Love, G.Aunt Judy
- on January 23, 2010
GOOD JOB ELI! Keep drawing and creating! from "G.A" Judy
- on January 23, 2010
This one is REALLY cool - amazing detail! Grandpa
- on December 6, 2009
I'm looking forward to hearing more about the background of the wire sculpture - seems like it could have lots of meanings - I like it! Grandpa
- on December 6, 2009
WOW Eli, you've done it again. Your wire sculpture and your new "Beauty is "... are spectacular. It's great that we can see what you're doing. We'll see you soon - YEA! Love you, Gramma
- on December 6, 2009
Hi Eli, I enjoyed viewing the 3 new artworks today. The wire sculpture is unique - not a man, right? It has a tail, or am I interpreting it incorrectly. I like the bold colors used in the shield and the blended, softer tones of the mountain scene. Hugs, Oma
- on November 21, 2009
- on November 21, 2009
- on November 8, 2009
WOW, Eli, this is really great. What medium did you use? It looks like a lot of work and you did it beautifully. Love, Gramma
- on November 8, 2009
Hi Eli___ I have a critique for the new painting of the mountains. 1-Warm colors come forward 2-Cool colors recede 3-The brown color of the large mountain and the warm green on the large mountain bring the eye forward. 4- Thetwo mountains behind the large mountain would recedein the painting, if they were done in a cool color such as a shade of brown with blue or violet in it. To carry the viewers'eye back into space, it would be more convincing. if the road were darker in the forground and lighter as it travels back into space. I minored in English and I believe that RULES should be RULE, if you want to say,"CENTRAL ROCKIES RULE" Since CENTRAL ROCkIES is plural,____RULE SHOULD ALSO BE PLURAL. I hope this is helpful____ Keep on painting and never never give up. :-) (V) V, G. Aunt Judy
- on October 20, 2009
Dear Eli, Your Rainbow art piece is REALLY fun and well done. Love how you put it all together!! Keep up the terrific work. One of your Fan Club members and also your Gramma
- on October 14, 2009
Great work, Eli!! Keep it up. Love, Grandpa
- on January 27, 2009
Hi Eli, Interesting variation from your earthtone piece of art.
- on January 27, 2009
Hi Eli, I like your clay work. It reminds me of early Inca and Mayan culture art work. I like the earth tone.
- on January 27, 2009
Hi Eli__ I am so glad to be notified about your latest work. It is good that you are working in 3 dimentional art___it will enhance your 2 dimentional work. Good job! I hope to continue to be notified of your latest works. Drawing is the bottom line as far as painting, sculture, pottery, or any other art work that you do. Keep drawing, Love, G.Aunt Judy
- on January 27, 2009
Dear Eli, I love your chanchitos. Where did you learn about them? I must admit I'd never heard of them before. I googled chanchito and saw everything from a live birth of four little chanchitos (You Tube) to good luck chanchitos. Nice work. You continue to amaze me!!! Love you, Gramma
- on January 27, 2009
Hi Eli__ I am sooo impressed with your website Your art is bright, colorful, appealing and contains the elements of good design, and composition. Keep up the good work. Love, Great Aunt Judy PS I hope that Jesse will also continue to be an inspired artist