Wesley539's Comments (69)

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Below are comments about Wesley539's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Wesley: Your artwork certainly does look like Van Gogh's work. At one time, I had 2 books of his work.
- Grandpa on October 23, 2019
This is great. It reminds me of looking at a rock with leaves stuck on it. Beautiful this time of year!
- Grammy & Grandpa on October 23, 2019
Neat picture, it would be fun to go to an aquarium again. I felt myself right there looking and walking.
-- Grammy & Grandpa
- on October 23, 2019
Very cool , Nothing but net !
-- Grammy & GrandpaVery Cool !
- on March 5, 2019
Very nice work ! Pastor Bartling would have loved this. I would like to know how you did it, so be prepared to tell us.??
-- Grammy & Grandpa
- on March 5, 2019
Grandpa said “ that’s my rifle”. Nice picture, though I couldn’t figure out all the things.
-- Grammy & Grandpa
- on March 5, 2019
We like this very much! Grandpa said we should have t-shirts made. Always fun to wonder what’s coming next. Hugs
-- Grammy & Grandpa
- on September 26, 2018
I bought it on a shirt and I just received it. LOVE IT!
-- Grandpa
- on September 26, 2018
Great smile and those eyes are really something. It’s fun to see your art work, keep it up.
-- Grammy & Grandpa
- on September 26, 2018
good job!!!!!
-- mom
- on September 19, 2018
Good Job, Monkey! It was fun listening to you tell me about the book as you read it. Glad you got through the sad parts okay. Haha! XOXO MOMMY
-- Mommy
- on November 8, 2017
I love the colors on your cross, keep up the great work.
-- Grammy & Grandpa
- on October 17, 2017
Wesley, what a beautiful, colorful cross. Such vibrant colors. Looks great Wesley.
-- Great-Gramps & Char
- on October 17, 2017
Gramps Pete and Char love your snowman and the colorful hat and mittens and boots.
-- Great-Gramps & Char
- on February 2, 2017
What a happy Snowman! Cute, Cute as always! XOXO
-- mommy
- on February 2, 2017
I like that your penguin has green eyes....just like you and me! Love you!
-- Mom
- on January 19, 2017
We love your colorful artwork !
-- Grammy
- on December 22, 2016
The flag is wonderful, it looks like our Flag blowing in the wind. Nice job
-- Grammy & Grandpa
- on December 22, 2016
We love the wreath you made. The colors are our favorites. Keep the art coming. XU G and G
- on December 22, 2016
Wesley, that is such a beautiful wreath. Beautiful colors. Great gramps and Char
- on December 22, 2016
What a colorful turkey. I should have had him in our window for thanksgiving. Keep the artwork coming. Love you
-- Grammy & Grandpa
- on December 12, 2016
Gramm Char and I love your artwork, Wesley. Keep up the good work. Grandpa Pete
- on December 5, 2016
Great shapes and colors and I love the smile. Keep the art coming it is fun to see your creations. Love you
-- Grammy & Grandpa
- on November 8, 2016
I have seen this masterpiece in person in Nana's kitchen!!
-- Auntie Boo Boo
- on November 8, 2016
so sweet!
-- Auntie Boo Boo
- on November 8, 2016
I love it Wes! Is it Papa Elf from Elf?! Maybe we should watch Elf over thanksgiving!
-- Auntie Boo Boo
- on November 8, 2016
I love it Wes! So abstract!
-- Auntie Boo Boo
- on November 8, 2016
We need your owl and scarecrow in the garden, they are really neat. Keep up the good work.Xoxo
-- Grammy and Grandpa
- on October 29, 2016
The cross you made is beautiful, the colors are great and your greeting of Easter Blessings is perfect. Keep up the good work and have a wonderful Easter.
-- Grammy & Grandpa
- on March 23, 2016
Wow, Wes, those teeth are really big! Fun picture and I know you can throw the ball 100 times. Great Job! XXOO
-- Nana
- on March 23, 2016
Wow, you drawing of the Nativity is beautiful!
-- Nana
- on February 3, 2016
Wesley, your rainbow is beautiful. We saw one like it yesterday. Both ends went all the way to the ground.Beautiful, just like yours. Keep up the great work. Great gramps and Char
-- Great-Gramps & Char
- on May 5, 2015
Wesley what awesome art you have. I love it all. You use colour so well and I love the clever way that you fill your page. I'm looking forward to seeing a lot more of your art.
-- Suzy
- on December 16, 2014
I love minecraft! Nice drawing Wesley!
-- Jim
- on November 19, 2014
I like Blue Dog especially his hat, great job. Just think if you had a blue dog he could ride with you on Blue. XXOO Grammy
-- Grammy
- on October 22, 2014
Wesley, your colorful star artwork is just beautiful. We love it. Merry Christmas Wesley. See you soon.
-- Char & Great Gramps
- on March 21, 2013
You and your mommy are so creative. Your art is some of the best around ;o). Keep up the good work Wes,
-- Lorrie
- on April 16, 2012
-- Daddy
- on February 10, 2011
Peyton says good job Wesley! Can't wait to make one too.
-- Lorrie
- on February 7, 2011
Wesley is already showing art talent! Yeah Wesley!! I bet he was showing his million dollar smile during the whole process. Plus what cute feet he has.
- on October 30, 2008
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