Michael7811's Comments (12)

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Below are comments about Michael7811's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Keep doing your artwork, it will lead you to where you want to someday go. Love, Grandma Marlar
-- Debbie
- on February 3, 2012
Imagination is key, and you have it. Love this work... xoxo Grandma Marlar :):)
-- Debbie
- on February 3, 2012
In case you don't remember, I love this fish... Love you too! Grandma
- on February 3, 2012
Michael, your city is very inspiring... I love your creativity. Love You, Grandma
- on February 3, 2012
You are very talented, and I am very proud of you!! Love and Hugs, Grandma
- on February 3, 2012
Keep drawing and painting as you are a natural. GP Marlar
- on May 13, 2010
Michael, I can tell this is a catfish. It is a happy one. I love your art work. Grandpa Marlar
- on April 26, 2010
You are such a great artist. You inpire me to be crafty. Love You! Grandma Marlar :):)
- on April 23, 2010
Hi Michael - I love the colors in this picture. The name fits the sceen, 'Calm Lines'. Your very good at the artist process. Keep up the good work. Love, Grandpa
- on December 2, 2009
Hello Michael, It's so nice to see your artwork. You are very talented, and have a great imagination. Art is such a nice way to express your feelings. Have a great day. Love You, Grandma M :):)
- on November 27, 2009
Hi Michael, I enjoy looking at your art work. This ones reminds me of the desert area which I have grown to love. I look forward to your visit over Thanksgiving. Keep up the great work. love, Grandpa M.
- on November 22, 2009
What a beautiful sunset. I love the colors. You are a great artist! Keep up the good work!
- on November 3, 2009