Parker726's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Parker726's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Parker I am so poud of you! You are so talented, I can't wait for you to bring this home so we can put it up on the wall!
-- Rhonda
- on November 30, 2010
Parker you are an amazing artist! I love the lizard you made! I am so proud of you!!! Love Aunt Dawna
-- Dawna
- on November 29, 2010
That's a nice lizard, buddy
-- Matthew
- on November 29, 2010
Wow Parker!!!! You have become quite the artist!!!!!! Keep up the great art work. I can't wait to see more. I miss ya lil man. Love, Crystal
- on March 23, 2009
Parker, this is the coolest thing I've ever seen! You did such a great job! LOVE YOU!!!
- on March 2, 2009
Those look great buddy, absolutely fantastic.
- on February 23, 2009
Thats the best lion ever.... very colorfull!
- on February 23, 2009
That is an AMAZING lion parker! ROAR!
- on February 23, 2009
WOW !!!! what a great job parker , i love it . love you grandma
- on February 23, 2009
WOW! This looks amazing! Great job!
- on February 23, 2009