Jacob78783's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Jacob78783's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Jacob’s corn stalk is stunning. The contrast of the plain husk with the colorful kernels is unexpected and most unique. I can only imagine how long the colored kernels took to create. But so worth it. This is a favorite piece in my list of art I love.
- Gramma Carol on January 2, 2025
Jacob, I believe that you used nice sharp scissors to be able to so accurately cut out these complicated shapes. The careful, intricate cuts make this a very attractive project. Nice work!
- Carol on January 2, 2025
Hi Jacob, I appreciated hearing you describe your X-Ray art project. You were really able to show the all important hand and wrist bones. Seeing this art makes me want to thank the bone design that lets us do so much with our hand. I had a x-ray of my wrist not long ago, and your drawing is spot on accurate.
- Gramma Carol on January 2, 2025
Hi Jacob, I appreciated hearing you describe your X-Ray art project. You were really able to show the all important hand and wrist bones. Seeing this art makes me want to thank the bone design that lets us do so much with our hand. I had a x-ray of my wrist not long ago, and your drawing is spot on accurate.
- Gramma Carol on January 2, 2025
Hi Jacob. This piece of art looks a lot like a stained glass window. I can almost see the sun shining through it, making the colors all the more intense . The symmetry is beautiful, as is the way you placed your colors, giving a strong rainbow vibe. Your use of black anchors the colors with a sense of strength, translating this into a powerful visual. I wish I could have a window that would look exactly as you have drawn!
- Grandma Carol on October 29, 2024
Jacob, I really like your leaf. The design reminds me of quilting, each section different, symmetrical, with all of the spaces filled. You came up with a LOT of different designs for the spaces. This took awhile, but I hope you found it relaxing. I’m not sure what the special name for this art is, but it has great appeal to me.
- Grandma Carol on October 18, 2024