Zoey14310's Comments (43)

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Below are comments about Zoey14310's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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You may be famous some day!
- Craig on March 12, 2025 NEW
Zoey - your artwork is always superb. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to seeing you soon. -Grandpa
- Craig on March 12, 2025 NEW
Wow- great work, Zo!
- Angie (Mother) on January 9, 2025
Zoey- This is my favorite picture you've ever painted. It's awesome! It belongs in the Louvre. -Grandpa
- Craig on December 4, 2024
Love this, Zo! Is this Lake Sherwood?
- Angie (Mother) on November 26, 2024
This is amazing! Great job, Zo!! You are so talented!
- Angie (Mother) on October 31, 2024
Nice work! I love the colors and design.
- Angie (Mother) on October 5, 2024
Zoey- You continue to do excellent artwork. Keep being creative. Thank you for the beautiful turtle picture you gave to me at Easter. Keep up the good work. Next time I want to hear you play "Love me Tender" on your guitar. Maybe someday you can be as famous as Elvis. love, Grandpa
- Craig on May 18, 2022
I love all the beautiful colors! Very good art work Zoey!
- Grandma G on April 6, 2022
Are those rainbow cinnamon rolls? They look yummy!
- Grandma G on April 6, 2022
Zoey - You're better than Picasso ever was. Maybe you'll be famous someday. Keep up the creative, good work. -Grandpa
- Craig on April 6, 2022
Zoey- You continue to produce high quality, creative, BEAUTIFUL artwork. I am very proud of you. You are a very talented girl! -Grandpa
- Craig on March 16, 2022
Zoey- a very unique art piece this time. You are a creative girl. I predict that when you get into high school that you'll win some art awards. -Grandpa
- Craig on March 16, 2022
Zoey - your artwork continues to be spectacular. Is there any chance that you could draw a beautiful picture of my favorite animal - the turtle? That would be awesome. Any species will do. I'm guessing you might make him green. I look forward to seeing it someday. love, Grandpa
- Craig on February 16, 2022
More good work from the very talented Zoey Chovanec. Someday you'll be famous.
- Craig on January 19, 2022
We love it!
- Grandma G on January 19, 2022
Zoey- Your artwork keeps getting better and better all the time. Maybe you'll be an art major in college. Keep up the good work! Looking forward to seeing you soon! love, Grandpa
- Craig on January 19, 2022
Zoey, this piece reminds me of a kaleidoscope. Not sure if you know what that is. As always, you do beautiful work. Keep it up. Someday you'll be famous and win awards. Love, Grandpa
- Craig on December 8, 2021
I love your art Zoey! Such detail for a 2nd grader.
- Grandma G on December 8, 2021
Good job Zoey. Your artwork gets better all the time. -Grandpa
- Craig on December 8, 2021
Keep up the good work Zoey!
- Craig on December 8, 2021
Very scary picture Zoey. You are very creative and talented. Very fitting for Halloween. -Grandpa
- Craig on December 8, 2021
GREAT JOB, Zo! Love it!
- Mom on December 8, 2021
Zoey- Some day your artwork will be famous and hanging in museums in Paris and Rome. Keep up the good work. Love, Grandpa
- Craig on October 20, 2021
Zo you are so talented!
- Grandma G on October 20, 2021
How cute Zoey!
- Grandma G on October 20, 2021
Very nice! Grandma & Grandpa ?? It!
- Grandma G on October 20, 2021
Love this!
- Grandma G on October 6, 2021
Zoey- Good job on your latest artwork. Keep up the good work. Also, let me wish you an early happy birthday! Love, Grandpa
- Craig on October 6, 2021
Zoey- I loved your beautiful spaceship. It was like a big Crayola Crayon box upside down flying through space. Gorgeous. You are very talented. Looks like you had the sun and asteroids and other planets in there too. I LOVE your artwork. You will be famous someday. - Grandpa
- Craig on May 25, 2021
Zoey - I just saw your fantastic artwork online! It was the most beautiful, colorful space ship i ever saw in my entire life. It looked like a big upside down Crayola Crayon box made into a space ship. I LOVED it. You are very talented. Keep up the good work.
- Craig on May 25, 2021
Looks very Spring like. Very colorful. You do very good work Zoey.
- Craig on May 19, 2021
Wow! Excellent work Zoey! ??????
- Grandma G on May 19, 2021
Zoey, Your artwork is beautiful. You are an aspiring artist! I love looking at all your creations! Love, Grandma G.
- Grandma G on May 19, 2021
Very colorful. If it were a rainy day, someone could look at this beautiful picture and automatically smile and feel better. Nice work!
- Craig on May 5, 2021
This would be a great one for Valentine's Day, or your Mom's birthday. Nice job Zoey.
- Craig on May 5, 2021
Zoey- You are a very gifted artist. I love looking at your work. Someday maybe you'll be famous. Your work is at least as good as Picasso's. Keep up the good work!
- Craig on May 5, 2021
Zoey- Good job with your alphabet art. Very colorful. You do nice work. Art must be your favorite class in school. Love, Grandpa
- Craig on May 27, 2020
This is one of my favorites of all your pictures because of the vivid, beautiful colors. Very pretty. I like all of the work you do. Keep up the good work. It reminds me of a Rubik's Cube.
- Craig on May 27, 2020
Looks like a nice steaming hot cup of coffee that your Mom or Dad just poured. you do excellent work Zoey. Someday your work might make it to the Louvre in Paris. Keep up the good work. You selected nice colors too!
- Craig on May 27, 2020
So good! Love it :)
- Angie (Mother) on February 11, 2020
Zoey- Great artwork once again. Keep up the good work. I like ALL the art that you create. -Grandpa
- Craig on February 19, 2020
Grandma and Grandpa love it! You are a good artist.
- Grandma Gocke on October 2, 2019