Grace38455's Comments (4)

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Below are comments about Grace38455's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Your string art is very nice. We like the use of the different colors of string on the bright yellow background. You did a great job!
- Grandma & Grandpa on October 23, 2024
Love it Grace, as I like all your artwork. Shows how you love to play in snowflakes ????
- Grandma Charlie on January 26, 2022
Blonde bear is the cutest ever! Her ear and bow are perfect You did such a good job on the detail of her shirt. Plaid is hard to do but you did an excellent job.
- Grammy Katewin on May 26, 2021
Your artwork is so beautiful I can tell that you took a lot of care to do a very good job. All of the bright colors look so pretty together.
- Grammy Katewin on January 8, 2020