Alayla, What a fun candy cane! Great job…I hope to see this fun piece in person. Love Yiayia xoxo
- Yiayia on January 8, 2022
Alayla, You have loved art since you could hold a crayon! This is so very pretty and a very happy picture! I love your pattern and colors! Love, Yiayia
- Yiayia on January 8, 2022
Alayla, Oh my!! How adorable. I love everything about your Lego self-portrait! The hair is wonderful and I love your outfit. I know you love rainbows and it's so cute in the shirt with the heart! I also love the patterned pants. Great job! Love, Yiayia
- Yiayia on January 8, 2022
Alayla, I LOVE your sun. It makes me really smile. You always use wonderful colors in your art. I hope I get to see this in person! Keep up the good work. Love, Yiayia
- Yiayia on November 17, 2021
I love your artistic, creative art Alayla! You always do such a great job with your projects.
- Mandi on November 17, 2021
Dear Alayla, Once again you have created a beautiful piece of artwork! I love your textured background with the lovely trees! I'm so happy you are learning about so many artists.....I'm learning too! Love, Yiayia xo
- Yiayia on October 13, 2021
Alayla! This looks amazing on Artsonia, but I actually saw the real thing at your house and I really love the texture and colors you designed. Good work! Love you!
- Yiayia on September 29, 2021
Alayla, Nice work! I know you are enjoying doing art in school instead of your little pot belly fish!
- Yiayia on June 9, 2021
Beautiful bouquet of Flowers Alayla, Nice JOB!
- Grandma Pam on June 9, 2021
Alayla, This is just lovely! The flowers make me very happy! Your sense of color is delightful. I always love seeing your beautiful work.
- Yiayia on May 26, 2021
I love your Buttoned Up bear! He’s adorable! I’m so happy you can now do art at school. Can’t wait to see what you do next.
- Yiayia on April 22, 2021
Alayla, I LOVE your bear! Great Job
- Grandma Pam on April 22, 2021
I bet this is a FAST turtle! He is so cute!
- Yiayia on February 17, 2021
Can't wait for spring! What a pretty red tulip!
- Yiayia on February 17, 2021
Mmmmmmm, may I have some. Those marshmellows look cozy!
- Yiayia on February 17, 2021
Love your unicorn! Pretty in pink!
- Yiayia on February 17, 2021
What a happy little mermaid! Adorable!
- Yiayia on February 17, 2021
Alayla, All of your pictures are wonderful! I really like this one of you and Mommy sledding! Happy memories for both of you!
- Yiayia on February 17, 2021
- Grandma Pam on February 17, 2021
- pam on May 20, 2020
- Yiayia on May 20, 2020
Alayla, This is a great way to show your love using color and learning the alphabet! Great job! Love, Yiayia
- Yiayia on May 20, 2020
I love this project Alayla! It looks like you painted an ABC quilt!
- Mandi on May 20, 2020
VERY creative Alayla!
- Grandma Pam on May 13, 2020
I LOVE the bugs and fishy ALayla. EXCELLANT JOB!
- Grandma Pam on April 15, 2020
Alayla, Oh my! How adorable! I love your drawings and the cheerful colors you used. They make me smile. I love you and can't wait to give you a big hug. xoxo Love, Yiayia
- Yiayia on April 15, 2020
Alayla, This is so very cute! I know how much you love to mix colors! You must have really enjoyed this project! Love, YiaYia
- Yiayia on February 5, 2020
I LOVE IT!!!!!!
- pam on January 29, 2020
Alayla, what a great project! I really like how you used your colors mixed with black. You must be learning so much about the artist, how to follow directions and use primary colors. Good job! Can't wait to see more of your artwork! Love, Yiayia xoxo
- Yiayia on January 15, 2020
Nice Job Alayla, keeping the paint inside the lines and the colors! This would make a very nice stain glassed window!
- Grandma Pam on January 15, 2020
Love your new artwork Alayla! Keep up the good work!
- Mandi on January 7, 2020
Very nice Christmas picture should make Christmas cards!!!
- Grandma Pam on January 7, 2020
Alayla! What a pretty picture! I love your Christmas tree and house! Very nicely done! I hope Santa brings you lots of presents under your tree this year.
- Yiaya on December 11, 2019
Alayla, I agree with Mom! The colors are beautiful and I love your creativity! What a great project! Love, Yiayia
- Yiayia on November 15, 2019
Alayla, I love your blanket art work! The colors are beautiful and the different lines are very creative.
- Mandi (Mother) on November 15, 2019
Alayla this is a beautiful drawing of you and Riley! I hope he didn’t tug too hard when you walked him. Love you baby butt
- Alexis on November 15, 2019
Alayla, Your drawing always make me smile! I love this picture of you and Riley! Love, Yiayia
- Yiayia on November 14, 2019
Alayla, I love the picture of you on one of my it Lady? looks like she needs to go on a diet... :) Keep up the great art work!
- pam on November 13, 2019
I think we have a budding dress designer! Oh my! I love the dress, colors and of course the self portrait! Alayla what a great picture! I can't stop smiling. Love, Yiayia
- Yiayia on October 22, 2019
What a great picture Alayla! I'm skinny! I love our smiling faces and happy hands! Thank you for doing such a good job with your art work. Love, Yiayia
- Yiayia on October 22, 2019
- Grandma Pam on October 22, 2019
Alayla, I LOVE your picture of you and Grandma Pam! Just look at those smiles! I also love the hair! Love, Yiayia
- Yiayia on October 16, 2019
Very nice Alayla, I love the fall colors you used
- Grandma Pam on October 9, 2019
Alayla! I love your mini artwork! The colors are so happy and cheerful! I'm glad Mom decided to share them with everyone! Love Yiayia xoxoxo
- Yiayia on October 9, 2019
Alayla, I really like your colorful letter A! Very nice work! Love, Yiayia xoxo
- Yiayia on October 2, 2019
Awesome job Alayla! You did a great job spelling your name and using great colors to your art. Love it!
- Mandi on October 1, 2019
- pam on October 1, 2019
Wow! Such a beautiful family! Luck you! I love your people drawings! Love, Yiayia xoxo
- on September 25, 2019
That's a very nice self portrait Alayla, ..... are you at school? Keep up the good work! Grandma
- on September 25, 2019
I love your self portrait! I especially like your smile, pretty eyes and the detail on your blouse. Great job! Love Yiayia xoxo
- on September 21, 2019
Alayla, how can I get a bed in the sky like that? I would have rainbow dreams every night! I love it! Yiayia xoxo
- on September 21, 2019
Alayla, These are my favorite! I love your people pictures. They always have happy smiles which makes me happy when I see them. Love Yiayia XOXOXO
- on September 21, 2019
This is such a happy picture! I especially love the smile! All the flowers, hearts and butterfly's are really lovely. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful, happy, picture Alayla! Love, Yiayia xoxoxo
- on September 21, 2019
VERY NICE Alayla!!!
- on September 21, 2019
Alayla, Your two drawings look awesome! I’m glad we did the 3 marker challenge so that you could make the doggy for me!