Abby15405's Comments (4)

View Abby15405's portfolio
Below are comments about Abby15405's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Love the Art Work. A minds eye view from inside Abby's head. Very artistic with time, space, and imagination. Everyday objects coming to life and well thought out! Thanks for sharing, GP.
- Grandpoppie on September 10, 2024 NEW
Abby, I am always amazed by your creativity! You stated you used still life as references for your piece...I am curious was the Robot, spaceship and alligator some of those around you? What you did in this art piece is peak my interest into what will come next and what will be inside this folder!!! I can not wait! Obviously you have so many great ideas floating around your mind and you see the world in a bright, colorful, beautiful, and adventurous way! I look forward to your next piece. Love, Tia Melissa
- Tia Melissa on September 10, 2024 NEW
I love the idea of mystery and what's to come. I found some insight into what your doodles represent. I am looking forward to seeing what your full on artwork looks like and learning about your process. Let the mystery unfold!???? Love you
- Grammie on September 10, 2024 NEW
I enjoyed looking at your picture. I can see this portfolio front page gives a glimpse of your imagination amd creativity. I liked the use of color and space. I always enjoy looking at your creations. Can’t wait for more. Te amo, Mami.
- Claudia (Mother) on September 7, 2024 NEW