Jillian535's Comments (34)

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Below are comments about Jillian535's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Love Love Love this.....you are amazing my daughter
-- Michelle
- on April 27, 2018
Love the curved lines
-- Jeff
- on April 27, 2018
Good job Jilly Bean!!!!!
-- Jeannie
- on September 19, 2013
I like the way you used your favorite colors on this piece.
-- jeff (dad)
- on September 19, 2013
you amaze me more and more, with every piece of artwork that you submit, Jillian! :) keep up the artistry, you're amazing! <3 you!
-- Deb
- on September 19, 2013
Jilly Bean..This is so beautiful! Jeannie just loves the colors!! Great job honey <3
-- Jeannie
- on March 22, 2012
You are FANTASTIC. I can't believe that my little girl did this. You get this from me you know. I told daddy that too. he giggled.. I am so very proud of you. You are very talented my love!!!
-- Mom
- on November 3, 2011
This is absolutely FANTASTIC!!! I cannot believe my little girl did this. I am so proud of you!!!! You get this from me..I told daddy that...hehehhe. Keep up the wonderful work baby. Love you bunches!
-- Michelle
- on March 22, 2012
Wow..this is amazing Jillian! the maturity level in your art, is soaring! you ROCK!
-- Debbie
- on November 3, 2011
Very Nice art work my beautiful girl!! I love all of your creations!!!! Xerox :)
-- Jeannie
- on November 3, 2011
jillian, i love your artwork and the way you use the different colors. keep up the good work, great job. love dad
-- jeff
- on June 20, 2011
This is soo cool!!!! We will have to put some elastic on it so you can wear it!!! Love you baby!
-- Mom
- on December 10, 2010
So pretty and clever. You are becoming such a great artist. You Rock!!
-- Mom
- on December 10, 2010
What a great job on drawing a superhero...I am so proud of you and love you.
-- Mom
- on November 8, 2010
This is soo cool Jilly!! You are so creative and are doing a fantastic job. Love you
-- Mom
- on November 8, 2010
This is sooo cool...you are doing fantasic and are so creative
-- Michelle
- on November 10, 2010
Great Job Jilly Bean!!!! Love you Jeannie :)
-- Jeannie
- on June 17, 2010
Great job Jillian! keep up the beautiful artistry! you're a gem!
-- Love you ! debbie
- on June 17, 2010
Great job jillian! As Usual! you get better and better with every piece of artwork you create! Love you! debbie
-- debbie
- on April 9, 2010
Very good Jillian , You do good work . Keep it up honey.....Love grandPA & grandma.
-- John
- on April 9, 2010
So pretty baby!!!! You are doing so good...you make me so proud!!! I love you!! Mom
-- Mom
- on March 9, 2010
Very Nice Jilly Bean!!! :) Love you
-- Jeannie
- on March 9, 2010
Nice job Jillian! Can't wait to see what you do for a christmas project! Merry Christmas!
- on December 15, 2009
this is so pretty....really makes me feel like spring is finally here! great job as usual "jilly jilly coco pop, jilly jilly bean"!!!! love you , debbie
- on May 15, 2009
Sorry , I didnt leave my name on the last comment jillian! silly Debbie! Love you lots! Debbie
- on May 5, 2009
Great job jillian! Looks like you put in a lot of hard work on this!
- on May 5, 2009
Wow!! Look at you go. What an amazing home you have built!!! The roof is your favorite color. and your lawn looks great. I am soo proud of you and all of your wonderful art work!!! Keep creating baby!!! Love you! Mom & Dad
- on March 17, 2009
Jillian, I love all of your art work , but i like this one best ! You are so creative. It is done so well it looks like you are having fun. Keep up the good work !! I love you a whole bunch. Grandpa.
- on March 2, 2009
Jillian, This is so beautiful! I love the purple roof top!! Love you...Jeannie
- on March 2, 2009
wow, nice job. Makes me want to walk right up to the front door and knock! Another great job young lady! love you, debbie
- on March 2, 2009
Wow. We are so proud of you!!! It is absolutely beautiful. It si soo exciting to be able to see all the wonderful things you are creating. Keep up the good work!!! love Mom & Dad
- on February 9, 2009
Hey Jillian! I love your new 'pinch pot" The colors look very pretty together. Two of my favorite colors! keep up the good work, can't wait to see your next work of art! love you , debbie
- on January 27, 2009
Jillian Your art work is beautiful. Keep up the good work ! Love Grandpa. & Grandma
- on January 9, 2009
Oh Jillian , I just LOVE your artwork! I'm so happy that your mommy shared this with me! Keep up the good work, and I will be looking for more cool things from you! your other 2 pieces are great too! love you! debbie
- on January 9, 2009