Gretchen81's Comments (42)

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Below are comments about Gretchen81's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Babes- really like this block print. Did you cut it out of a potato?
-- Aunt Deb
- on September 16, 2014
I love the letter "G"! This print work looks great! Thanks for sharing G!
-- Aunt Sue
- on September 14, 2014
Nice job! I ALWAYS love looking at you're projects. You have a real talent .
-- Aunt Sue
- on May 21, 2014
Dolly Bum, what a great profile! I like it very much. Combining two pictures together makes a really neat image. I also like the colors you've chosen.
-- Sue
- on June 30, 2013
I love to doodle too! You have a great talent for this type of art. Do you doodle when you are doing other things? I also love your title.
-- Sue
- on June 30, 2013
Dolly Bum ... Nice cake! You chose two of my favorite colors. Do you think you could actually make a cake like this one? Just in case, my birthday is October 8 th. I love seeing all your art work.
-- Aunt Sue
- on May 8, 2013
Gretchen< I love you latest work. the mix of colors are perfect. I just need to hear the story behind it. It looks like someome is turning 560 years old.
-- Uncle Jimmy
- on May 8, 2013
Dolly Bum...I remember making wampum beads when I was in Art class,too. You did a great job! Very colorful and a beautiful pattern. I think you would do very well making all kinds of jewelry. I love to see your work. Aunt Sue
-- Aunt Sue
- on May 3, 2013
Dolly Bum , What a beautiful flower! One of my favorite artists is Georgia O'Keefe. She drew beautiful flowers too. I have really enjoyed seeing all your art projects this year. Love you! Aunt Sue
-- Aunt Sue
- on July 16, 2012
Dolly Bum...I think this is such a beautiful color! Did you choose it ? You have done a great job with your Art projects this year. I'm so glad I got to see them. Summer vacation is coming! I hope you have a great time this year. I love you! Aunt Sue
-- Aunt Sue
- on July 16, 2012
Sweet Pea! How much fun is it to work with clay? I always loved it. I should show you my pinch pot sometime. Very nice detail, and I really like the color. Keep up the good work and have fun!
-- Aunt Deb
- on July 16, 2012
Dolly Bum, I love this picture of you. The only thing missing is your big, beautiful smile! Mostly, I love YOU!! Xxxxxxooooo Aunt Sue
-- Aunt Sue
- on December 16, 2011
Dolly Bum, I LOVE all your art work but I think my favorite is Sunsets and Silohettes. I bet you are doing art work for Christmas now. I hope I get to see them all on Artsonia!
-- Aunt Sue
- on November 30, 2011
Gretchen, I would recognize you any where. It must be the hair. It is very hard to draw s person's face, let alone yourself. Next time perhaps you could put two big bows in your hair. You have a nice long neck, not a no neck like Gramma. Love Gramma
-- Nancy
- on November 30, 2011
How pretty! Just like you!! Oh wait, it is you : ) Love you Sweat Pea Aunt Deb
-- Deborah
- on November 12, 2011
Gretchen, This is a wonderful work. I love the night sky. It looks like twilignt time which is my favorite time of night. It is when the sky has all those beautiful colors of purple and pink. It looks like someone has just turned on the lights in the house. It is the time of night when birds go to sleep and every thing gets still. Thanks for this drawing and the memories it brings. Love Gramma
-- Nancy
- on November 12, 2011
Gretchen, this is absolutely my favorite work that you have ever done. I love it! The sky is so beautiful it reminds me of nights when I was yonger growing up at 8th and lake street. Keep the great art coming. I love you!
-- Uncle Jimmy
- on October 22, 2011
Nice work G, I love the colors. I want to know how you did it. I love you!
-- Uncle Jimmy
- on September 21, 2011
Gretchen, It is great to see that you have some new art work. It looks like some sort of printing. I can pretend I am looking out a window or it is a treasure map and X marks the spot. Love Gramma
-- Nancy
- on September 21, 2011
Very nice!Love hw it looks like I am looking out a window.
-- Aunt Deb
- on April 8, 2011
Gretchen, The pink feathers on this mask are so unique. I love the smile and glasses, just like Gramma. I can see you used a lot of different materials to make this mask, feathers yarnand furry things that look like caterpillars. Thanks for sharing . Love Gramma
-- Nancy
- on February 5, 2011
Found your new ones G, vey nice. And I thought you were slacking... It was so much fun to see you last Saturday. Thank you again for all your help. Love you Sweet Pea
-- Aunt Deb
- on December 9, 2010
Gretchen, I think this is my favorite work that you have done so far. I cant wait to hear your story all about it. Keep up the great work! Uncle Jimmy
-- Jim
- on November 7, 2010
Awesome G! Glad you didn't make your Miro Monster too scarey. I showed it to Hailey, she likes it too.. wagging her tail like crazy! Love you!! Aunt Deb
-- Debbie
- on November 7, 2010
Great Superhere picture G, he looks so cool. I love all your artwork. Keep them coming. Uncle Jimmy
-- Jim
- on June 2, 2010
Very nice Super Hero Gretchen! I love it. First I thought it was Hailey in the picture, but then I laughed, she wouldn't be in the picture of a super hero : ) I love you, and Hailely does too. She missed you walking yesterday, we saw 2 BIG turtles!!
-- Deborah
- on June 2, 2010
Gretchen, A new art work before school ends. That means that you get points for all the trophys this yer. That is quite an acomplishment. When the picture of your super hero flashed onto the computor screen at first I was a little scared. But then I remembered that your Super Hero was one who took care of and helped the animals. Just like you do. Thanks for the picture of a great Super Hero. Love Gramma
-- Nancy
- on May 31, 2010
Dolly Bum, Your Super Hero looks AWESOME.... I really like the cape and the Super Animals too! I hope you keep making Art pieces all summer long.. Love you,Aunt Sue
-- Valerie
- on May 31, 2010
I saw your wonderful snow globe in the window at Friendlys ice cream store and at your art festival in school. Today it is very hot out and Gramma doesn't like the heat (May 24th) so I am using it to cool off. Thanks for sharing all your art work with me. Love Gramma
-- Nancy
- on May 25, 2010
Dolly Bum--- Great snowman! I'm glad the snow is gone for awhile. I would love to see a grass and flower man ! I LOVE to see your artwork. Love you , Aunt Sue
-- Valerie
- on May 14, 2010
Hey Sweet Pea~ This one made me feel cold like winter. It's really cool that you made a snow globe. Great Gram ma always loved them. Keep up the very good work, and have fun too. Love you so, Aunt Deb
-- Deborah
- on May 14, 2010
Gretchen, I am glad you finally got some new art word. Was this done in clay? It is hard to tell from the picture on the computer if this is flat. What are the little round blue things? You will have to tell me about it when I see you. Love Gramma
-- Nancy
- on April 17, 2010
Great work G, you certainly are a budding artist. Keep up all the great work, we are so proud of you. We love you very much!
-- Uncle Jimmy
- on April 17, 2010
Sweat Pea~ I love this! I bet it was really cool working with clay. Keep up the good work!! I love you, Aunt Deb
-- Deborah
- on April 17, 2010
Gretchen, You learned how to make a collage. That's great. I know you pick out your own pumpkins for Halloween and decorate them. Did your pumpkin collage hang on the wall out side of your 1st Grade class? I can't wait to see your winter pictures. Love Gramma
- on December 15, 2009
Gretchen, I love your drawing of May flowers. Did you use your hands to make the leaves? You have done a great deal of art work in Kindergarden. Would you like to go to some place this summer where you and other kids can draw and work with clay? Let me know. Love Gramma
- on June 5, 2009
Hello Gretchen! I loved our time together at Cherry Grove. The Puppet showcase we made was great. I think the art work you make at school is really great!! Keep up the good work Sweat Pea. Love you, Aunt Deb
- on May 28, 2009
Dolly Bum -- That is a wonderful picture ! You must have spent quite a bit of time working on it. I love to see your art work! Great job! Love , Aunt Sue
- on May 7, 2009
Gretchen, Was this the poster you drew of yourself for the artfestival? I'll bet you had to get down on the floor and someone traced around your body. Then did you color it all in? That must have ben a lot of work. Love Gramma
- on May 5, 2009
Gretchen, What a colorful house. I'll bet that the wolf couldn't blow this house down even if he did huff and puff. I especially like all the green grass. Spring will soon be here and we will see green grass too. Love Gramma
- on March 6, 2009
Dolly what a beautiful house! I love all your art work. Thank you for sharing! Love, Aunt Sue
- on February 27, 2009
Keep up the good work Gretchen. I love looking at your new art pieces.
- on February 26, 2009