JHazz1's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about JHazz1's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Good job. I love your art work.
- on March 24, 2009
Boo boo i am so very proud of you keep up the good work and remember that we are be hind you in all you do good job sweety
- on March 16, 2009
Cissy-Ma I really love this one!!! Keep up the good work and always remember that your family (all of us) are very proud of you. Love always, NaNu
- on January 31, 2009
Jhazzy Boo Boo....I wish I lived in your city. It is beautiful! Keep up the good work. Love, Kia
- on January 31, 2009
Wow Jhazz, this is beautiful! Keep up the good work.
- on November 18, 2008
Jhazz, You are very talented. Nice color palette...!
- on October 16, 2008
WOOHOO! Picasso watch out, Van Gogh move over... JHazz has made her grand viewing and I'll take a bumper sticker OK!
- on October 16, 2008
Hi Jhazzy Boo Boo, You are a wonderful artist. Keep up the good work.
- on October 16, 2008
Hey boo boo what an excellent job baby I love it! That's what I'm talking about! Keep up the good work. Girl you're on a roll.
- on October 16, 2008
Cissy-Ma your artwork is very beautiful. Nanu is very proud of you. Keep up the good work pretty girl! One day your art might be posted in the museum! Love you
- on October 16, 2008
Honey, Mommy loves your art. You did a fantastic Job!
- on October 15, 2008