Cameron2220's Comments (4)

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Below are comments about Cameron2220's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Good job! I love it! You are really showing your artistic side, keep up all the good work.
- on March 21, 2009
Wow! I can see improvements in every piece of art work you do. At the rate you are going, I bet we will see some of your art in magazines or prestigous art galleries around the world. Cameron, I am so proud of you and looking forward to receive more art in the near future. :.)
- on March 21, 2009
Cousin just loves your creative interpretation of a lion....Good job!!!!
- on November 16, 2008
Cameron mommy is very proud of you! Keep up the good work and enjoy the rest of the year! Love, Mommy
- on November 14, 2008