Katy276's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Katy276's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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this looks sooooo good. it looks just like you! you are an amazing artist. -jessica
- on May 25, 2009
Katy, its crazy how realistic this painting is...and how much it looks like you. YOU ARE MY HERO!
- on May 15, 2009
Katy, I liked your design for the mural project, look forward to the finished walls. Sherry
- on May 15, 2009
the clothes are so cute. Ashlee
- on May 15, 2009
Katy, your scratch work is great and I like the design for the movie. Sarah
- on May 15, 2009
Your design for the mural is great. Look forward to the final concept. Sherry
- on May 15, 2009
Fashion Design looks like a fun class, great first project.
- on February 23, 2009