Marie230's Comments (24)

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Below are comments about Marie230's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Marie, Sarah is my sister whom I love like you love Aiden. She knows children's art because she taught them for 29 years. The beauty of your art reflects the beauty of your soul and New Granny loves you very much.
-- Margaret
- on February 26, 2013
Marie, your grandmother, Margaret, share your art work with me. I am very impressed. I really like all the lovely colors, and the thoughtful, balanced construction.
-- Great Aunt Sarah
- on February 20, 2013
Marie, My e-mail is so clogged with facebook junk that I can't find aiden's artwork. Tell Aiden that new granny will keep looking. In the meanwhile, tell him i said both of you are very talented artists. Their great grandmother, Eunice Savage, was an artist whose medium was mostly oils. Landscapes and still life (roses) were what she preferred to paint. Much love till I see you.
-- Margaret
- on February 6, 2013
Marie you are the apple of New Granny's eye and you are an artist extra ordinair. Love 'ya forever!! '
-- Margaret
- on January 22, 2013
Marie, What a beautiful, colorful picture! We love it! And you! Old Granny and Grandpa
-- Diann
- on January 14, 2013
Marie, This art work is very impressive! Faces are the most difficult things to draw. Excellent work! Love, Old Granny and Grandpa
-- Diann
- on January 14, 2013
Marie, We love your beautiful picture with the silouettes. Outstanding! Love, Old Granny and Grandpa
-- Diann
- on January 14, 2013
Pretty designs, Marie! Lots of bright colors. Nice work. love, Old Granny and Grandpa
-- Diann
- on October 16, 2011
Marie, We like your beautiful art composition better than Picasso's pictures! Well done! Love, Old Granny and Grandpa
-- Diann
- on October 7, 2011
Marie, Did you fold the paper to print to make a symmetrical design? Wasn't that fun? Love, Old Granny and Grandpa
-- Diann
- on April 28, 2011
Marie, Is this a venomous black widow spider? You did a nice job making it symmetrical. Love, Old Granny and Grandpa
-- Diann
- on April 8, 2011
Beautiful color and design, Marie! Love, Old Granny and Grandpa
-- Diann
- on March 8, 2011
Marie, Those pretty flowers seem to pop right off the page! What an interesting picture! Love, Old Granny and Old Grandpa
-- Diann
- on February 4, 2011
Marie, The people in your picture look like they are having a lot of fun! Just like you! Love, Old Granny and Old Grandpa
-- Diann
- on January 21, 2011
Marie, Your clay project is beautiful. We love the colors and the design. Your fans, Old Granny and Old Grandpa
-- Diann
- on January 21, 2011
Marie, Beautiful autumn leaves! We love it. Old Granny and Old Grandpa
-- Diann
- on October 30, 2010
Marie, I love your watercolor painting! I especially like the waves, keep up the good work!
-- Miss Katie
- on October 21, 2010
Marie, We love your colorful art work! How much fun was it for you to put all those pieces together for a beautiful design? Love, Old Granny and Grandpa
-- Diann
- on September 30, 2010
Dear Marie, What a beautiful picture! Watercolors are my favorite paints for scenic pictures. Grandpa and I both love this one. Keep up the good work. Love, Old Granny and Old Grandpa
-- Diann
- on September 15, 2010
Marie! What a beautiful picture! We know that orange is your favorite color, and it looks great in your cat picture. Love, Old Granny and Old Grandpa
- on January 13, 2009
Marie, Could that be your favorite? TIGGER! What a perfect mask for you to make! We love it... and you. Old Granny and Old Grandpa
- on November 13, 2008
Dear Marie, I can see the leaves are changing color for fall in your picture. The pumpkin tells me that Halloween must be coming! Love, Old Granny
- on October 24, 2008
Marie, What a lovely fall picture you have made. I love the way you put it all together to make such a lovely picture. Keep it up. Love, New Granny
- on October 21, 2008
Marie! What a beautiful blanket design! Thank you for sharing it with us. Love, Old Granny and Old Grandpa
- on October 21, 2008