Conner8585's Comments (2)

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Below are comments about Conner8585's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I really sat and looked at this picture many times wondering want to say!!! For 1 I don’t know that your water colors were so good, and 2 I neverrrrrr knew you knew or learned how to draw 3D!!! To look at this makes me so proud inside! That tightrope line from one tower to the next is GENIUS!! I’m more and more proud of your artistic abilities. 34TR!
- Helen (Mother) on May 21, 2024
Conner…. I LOVE this so much! Your bubble letters are done so well, I didn’t even know you knew how to do them :) I alsoooo love how you did me dad and 3 brothers! Your drawings are amazing 34TR -Mom
- Helen (Mother) on April 23, 2024