jacob6291's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about jacob6291's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Jake! Wow! What a great picture. Grammy's talent must be rubbing off on you. The pumpkins look so real, I want to reach out and pick them. I will show them to Andy, Kelly, Doug and Emily tomorrow. Love, Aunt DeeDee
- on October 13, 2008
Jacob this is beautiful!!! I love the colors, and the textures! Keep up the good work! : )
- on October 13, 2008
This is a great work of art Jake. You must be taking after your Grandmother. Love ya, Aunt Mary
- on October 13, 2008
Hi Mr. Jake the Artist! Wow, what fantastic pumpkins! They are amazing. I can see you have some of your Grammie's talent! What a super-dooper-painting! We love and miss you...Miss Beth, Mr. Doug, Ben and Sam
- on October 13, 2008
Jake, You made a great painting.I'll be asking you how you decided where to put the pumpkins on the page and you knew to put the biggest one in the front. Good for you. I also like the twisted vines joining them. Great job. Love Grammy
- on October 11, 2008
Jacob, I'm very impressed with your artwork... you are a very talented artist! Love, Mom
- on October 11, 2008