I like this a lot. You know how I love falling snow. There does appear to be something there in the sky and those hikers look like they have quit the task in front to them. Nice color choices. Keep up the great work!!
- Adam(fan) on January 24, 2025
Son, to know that this was on your mind and that you chose to represent it just makes me so proud. I see the medium was pottery and you did a fantastic job capturing a lot of great details here. Keep up the great work. Stay on task and learn as much as you can. I LOVE YOUR ART!!
- Adam on December 18, 2024
You always liked Space. Great use of color, and the sunset looks like I would want to be there in person to see it. The silhouette in the foreground was a great touch.
- Adam on November 18, 2024
I love that you love my hobbies, Son. This is very colorful and creative.
- Adam on November 18, 2024
Love this!
- Rebekah (Mother) on November 7, 2024
This one is out of this world!
- Adam on October 3, 2024
This is really good. Very impressive, Son. Keep it up. Those look so 3d and very good use of a light source.
- Adam on October 3, 2024
It is exciting to see how you view yourself and how you visually interpret that on the canvas. Keep up the creativity my guy!