Madeline, this is beautiful. I love the chearful colors you picked. This one makes me smile. : ) Keep it up, I can't wait to see the next peice. Lili -- Melissa
- on March 23, 2011
Very colorful! Love it! -Mommy -- Julie
- on March 22, 2011
Great job, lovey dovey! -- Nanama
- on March 22, 2011
Madeline, You know how much I love your artwork, especially since I have it hanging on my kitchen wall. I may need to add this one too. Your choice of colors and work is so happy and bright. GREAT JOB as always! You are the best granddaughter in the entire world. Big Much, Grandmommy -- Grandmommy
- on November 24, 2010
Madeline, What a great job on this one. It really does look all broken. I love the colors that you chose. Very dramatic! Big Much!! Grandmommy. -- Linda
- on May 4, 2010
Very beautiful!!! Looks a little sad. Were you feeling sad that day??? -- Mommy
- on May 3, 2010
VERY VERY NICE interpretation of what FALL is! Excellent; you must be so proud of yourself, Madeline! GREAT JOB, keep up the good work; you are a SUPER STAR artist! xo ceecee -- ceecee
- on February 10, 2010
Madeline, What a great snowman!! You are my favorite artist. I bet you built a snowman in your yard last week. Keep up the great work. Love and kisses, Gammy Vickie
- on December 24, 2009
This is so cool!!!
- on December 18, 2009
I just love this snowman - or is it a snowlady. You did a great job. Sometimes that's how my hair looks! It's perfect that you just completed this because the weather forecast is for us to have snow here tomorrow!!! Nanama
- on December 18, 2009
Madeline, I love the bird hat. Your designs show so much imagination and your color combinations are always great. You are the best artist that I know. Keep up the good work that you do. You are very special. love, Grandmommy
- on November 19, 2009
Hey Punkin'! I love this hat! It is one of the cutest things that I've seen you make. Tell mommy that I'd like to have a picture of you wearing it. x's and o's Nanama
- on November 19, 2009
Why Madeline! I'ts a bird, it's a plane, no, it's an ancient mayan head dress!!! This is true genius at work, thanks for posting! xo ceecee
- on November 19, 2009 are truly a great artist! I love seeing your artwork! Keep up the good work! Maybe I will see you soon! Aunt Janet
- on November 9, 2009
Wow! Madeline the colors are so beautiful in this picture. I just love it. You always do such a great job with all or your art. I think you are getting better and better and I am so proud of you and your hard work! "Big Much" Grandmommy.
- on November 2, 2009
this watercolor is amazingly soothing to the eye and pleasant for the soul to behold. I'd say you have a budding, junior artist on your hands there, parents!!!! Fine job, Madeline!!!
- on November 2, 2009
OH MY! This is so fascinating, I love the style of it. Madeline is a true artist. ¢¾
- on November 2, 2009
Wow! I think you are such a good artist. Your mask looks so real. What a wonderful job you did making it! Love and kisses, Vickie
- on November 2, 2009
Wow! Madeline you used such beautiful colors in this picture. You will have to paint one for me to hang at my house. Hugs and kisses. Vickie
- on February 19, 2009
wow madeline i love these leaves
- on January 19, 2009
Madeline - This is great. My favorite is the oak leaf. "Big Much!" Grandmommy.
- on January 19, 2009
Madeline...those leaves are so beautiful! When I saw them, I thought it was Fall again and I was looking out my window watching the wind blow those pretty leaves off the trees! You are an awsome artist! I am glad to be a part of your Artsonia fan club! Love ya, Aunt Janet
- on January 19, 2009
What beautiful leaves. Your artwrok just keeps getting better and better. I am so proud of you! Love and kisses, Vickie
- on January 19, 2009
Madeline, What a beautiful ornament. I can't wait to see it on your tree! I love you. Nanama.
- on December 29, 2008
Madeline, What a beautiful ornament you made! It is so beautiful and shiny. I can't wait to see it. You are definitely my favorite artist. I love you!! Vickie
- on December 19, 2008
Madeline this is such good Artwork!
- on November 24, 2008
- on November 20, 2008
Punkin - Great job - I love this picture! You chose such great pictures for the sky. All my love - Nanama xoxoxoxoxoxox
- on November 20, 2008
- on November 20, 2008
- on November 20, 2008
- on November 20, 2008
Hey I LOVE Madelines artwork! this is my favorite. i love it!"
- on November 13, 2008
Madeline they are all so beautiful I cant decide which one to call my favorite,so I am going to to call them all my favorites. Pritchard
- on November 12, 2008
This is favoite!!! I love this color Madeline!! I think you have a bright future in ART. Keep up the good work. I can't wait to see more of your work. I love you!!! LiLi
- on November 10, 2008
Madeline, I love your art work so very much. I can't decide which one is my favorite. You did such a good job that I think they are ALL my favorites! I love you very much. Vickie
- on November 10, 2008
Great job on this. You really did capture feeling blue. I am so proud of you and your art work. "Big Much!" Grandmommy.
- on November 10, 2008
Nice work! Love, Mommy
- on November 3, 2008
very pretty and bright! i love all the colors! :)
- on November 3, 2008
Now, I'm no art critic, per se, however!!! The feeling blue really reached out and touched me like no other painting I've witnessed. It touches me on many levels, and the interpretive nature is just well beyond her 5 years of life. I loved all the selections and can't wait to go to the gallery she opens one day !! Keep up the great work, madeline, you have a gift.