Lucas32040's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Lucas32040's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Your artwork is awesome. This one is very abstract and cool to look at . Very cool ??
- Uncle Bubba(fan) on October 17, 2024 NEW
I know what I want for dinner now. That better be Heinz ketchup on those fries haha. Great Job Chalupa Batman!
- Uncle Bubba(fan) on October 17, 2024 NEW
Way to go Lucas! That's one awesome dragon kid! Proud of you
- Uncle Bubba on October 17, 2024 NEW
Makes me hungry! Lucas loves hotdogs and fries for dinner! Great job son
- Chad (Father) on October 15, 2024 NEW
This shows Lucas's ability to imagine. I love the contrast of colors, just awesome bud! Dad loves you the world
- Chad (Father) on October 15, 2024 NEW