Liz1416's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Liz1416's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Liz, This has to bee amazing to live in this world where honey bees can float around visiting beautiful flowers! All the nectar and pollen they will bring back to their bee hive. Please continue to capture the beauty of colors, shapes, and textures. You are amazing! Love Grandma & Grandpappy
- Tim & Vera on May 9, 2024
Absolutely beautiful sweetheart!!
- Aimee on May 9, 2024
Beautifully done Elizabeth!!! Love the details!
- Valerie (Mother) on March 25, 2024
OMG liz, that is so beautiful!!!
- Aimee on March 25, 2024
Aw, this is beautiful Lizzy, great job! I absolutely love it!!!
- Aimee on March 25, 2024
It's absolutely beautiful Elizabeth, I love it!! ????
- Aimee on February 14, 2024