Ainslee8's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Ainslee8's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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To my beautiful daughter, I love seeing your artwork everyday! Even more, I love you! Mommy
- on October 15, 2008
Ainslee! What a beautiful picture! I love it, and I love you! Aunt Esther xoxoxo
- on October 6, 2008
Hi Ainslee, thank you for your beautiful art work.All I have to do now is turn on my computer to see all your drawings love grandma potter
- on October 6, 2008
Hi Ainslee, I love your picture of the bouquet. It's very colorful and the flowers are beautiful! Great job!! Big hug, "Uncle" Peter
- on October 6, 2008
Ainslee Your picture is really beautiful!! Such a nice job. Keep it up - you have lots of talent!!
- on October 6, 2008
Ainslee-you are such a good artist! We love you and miss you. Keep up the good work-your now published and that's a very big accomplishment. We are so proud of you :) Love Aunt Naomi (Uncle Tom, Hanna and Heather)
- on October 6, 2008