Brayden22331's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Brayden22331's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is really cool!
- Hope Marie (Mother) on April 25, 2024
Such a fun piece of art. I especially like playing tic tac toe with you.
- Hope Marie (Mother) on April 25, 2024
Those are some pretty wild designs! Really cool!
- Hope Marie (Mother) on March 12, 2024
This is beautiful! Love the shades of blue and the way you painted the detail on the trees! Great job! Love, Mom
- Hope Marie (Mother) on March 12, 2024
So interesting!
- Hope Marie (Mother) on February 15, 2024
This is amazing! I love the shading and how the shapes look like they are moving.
- Hope Marie (Mother) on February 15, 2024