Gavin30461's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Gavin30461's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great job Gav. Love seeing your artwork!
- Jason (Father) on June 4, 2024
Great portrait! I really enjoy your artwork!
- Jason (Father) on May 5, 2024
This is a perfect looking candle. My fav so far, I love candles
- Renee (Mother) on May 4, 2024
Wow! Great self portrait. The hair is right on. Good job
- Renee on May 4, 2024
This is great! Keep it up!
- Dad on May 1, 2024
Beautiful job on the gem! Love the colors.
- Renee (Mother) on April 8, 2024
Great job! Love it!
- Jason (Father) on April 8, 2024
This really great! I’m glad you are discovering new talents. That makes us proud. Keep up the great work!
- Jason (Father) on March 12, 2024
This is definitely you! You did a very nice job on the logos
- Renee (Mother) on March 8, 2024
Very nice job!
- Renee (Mother) on March 5, 2024